Chapter 20 Key terms


Key terms for Chapter 20: Life, Fire, and Auto Insurance
FlashCards por BRANDI MCCAMMON, atualizado 14 dias atrás
Criado por BRANDI MCCAMMON 14 dias atrás

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Beneficiary Person(s) designated to receive the face value of the life insurance when insured dies.
Bodily Injury Auto insurance that pays damages to people injured or killed by your auto.
Cash Value Except for term insurance, this indicates the value of the policy when terminated. Options fall under the heading of nonforfeiture values.
Coinsurance Type of fire insurance in which the insurer and insured share the risk. Usually, there is an 80% coinsurance clause.
Collision Insurance Optional auto insurance that pays for the repairs to your auto from an accident after deductible is met. Insurance company will only pay for repairs up to the value of the auto (less deductible)
Comprehensive Insurance Optional auto insurance that pays for damages to the auto caused by factors other than from collision (fire, vandalism, theft)
Compulsory Insurance Insurance required by law-standard coverage
Deductibles Amount insured pays before insurance company pays. Usually the higher the deductible, the lower the premium will be.
Extended term insurance Resulting from nonforfeiture, it keeps the policy from the full face value going without further premium payments for a specific period of time.
Face Amount Dollar amount stated in policy
Face Value Amount of insurance that is stated on the policy. It is usually the maximum amount for which the insurance company is liable.
Fire Insurance Stipulated percent (normally 80%) of value that is required for insurance company to pay to reimburse one's losses
Indemnity Insurance company's payment to insured for loss
Insured Customer or policyholder
Insurer The insurance company that issues the policy.
Level Premium term Insurance premium that is fixed
Liability insurance Insurance for bodily injury to others and damage to someone else's property.
No-fault insurance Involves bodily injury. Damage ( before a certain level) that is paid by an insurance company no matter who is to blame.
Nonforfeiture values When a life insurance policy is terminated (except term) it represents 1. the available cash value, 2. additional extended term, or 3. additional paid-up insurance.
Paid-up insurance A certain level of insurance can continue, although the premiums are terminated. This results from the nonforfeiture value (except term). Result is a reduced paid-up policy until death.
Policyholder The insured
Premium Periodic payments that one makes for various kids of insurance.
Property damage Auto insurance covering damages that are caused to the property of others.
Reduced Paid-up Insurance Insurance that uses cash value to buy protection, face amount is less than original policy continues for life.
Short-rate table Fire insurance rate table used when insured cancels the policy.
Statisticians A person who is skilled at compiling statistics.
Straight-life insurance Protection (full value of policy) results from continual payment of premiums by insured. Until death or retirement, nonforfeiture values exist for straight life.
Term Insurance Inexpensive life insurance that provides protection for a specific period of time. No nonforfeiture values exist for term.
20-Payment life Provides permanent protection and cash value, but insured pays premiums for first 20 years.
20-year endowment Most expensive life insurance policy. It is a combination of term insurance and cash value.
Universal Life Whole life insurance plan with flexible premium and death benefits. This life plan has limited guarantees.
Whole Life Protection ( full value of policy) results from continual payment of premiums by insured. Until death or nonforfeiture value exists


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