GCSE Edexcel RE Community Cohesion


Flashcards for the Community Cohesion unit.
Lilac Potato
FlashCards por Lilac Potato, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Lilac Potato
Criado por Lilac Potato mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Community cohesion A common vision and shared sense of belonging for all groups in society
Discrimination Treating people less favourably because of their ethnicity/gender/colour/sexuality/age/class
Ethnic minority A member of an ethnic group (race) which is much smaller than the majority group
Interfaith marriage Marriage where the husband and wife are from different religions
Multi-ethnic society Many different races and cultures living together in one society
Multi-faith society Many different religions living together in one society
Prejudice Believing some people are inferior or superior without even knowing them
Racial harmony Different races/colours living together happily
Racism The belief that some races are superior to others
Religious freedom The right to practise your religion and change your religion
Religious pluralism Accepting all religions as having equal right to coexist
Sexism Discriminating against people because of their gender (being male or female)
How have the roles of men & women changed? • In the 1850s women stayed at home & looked after the children • In 1928, The Electoral Reform Act allowed women aged 21 the vote • In 1970, women received the Equal Pay Act • In 1975, the Sex Discrimination Act made it illegal to discriminate against women in employment
What are some inequalities that are still present in today's society, regarding women? • In 2010, only 23% of MPs were female • Although men are more active at home, often women are still the most active with housework & children raising & society often expects this
Why have attitudes to women changed? • During WW1 & WW2 women did jobs of men - women did them as well as men - changing attitudes • UK followed other countries who were starting to show development of equal rights for women • Suffragettes worked to gain equal rights by showing that women wanted equal treatment • UN declaration of human rights after WW2 meant equal rights had to be accepted
What are the different Christian attitudes to women? • Roman Catholics - men & women are equal (as Genesis says men & women were both created in image of God) but only men can be priests (represent Jesus at Mass & are descendants of apostles) • Liberal Protestants - men & women were created equal & should have same roles in society as Jesus treated everyone equally - women can be ministers/vicars • Evangelicals - men & women created equal but have different roles - St Paul taught women shouldn’t speak in Church
Why is the UK a multi-ethnic society? • The UK has always been a mixed society - Celts, Romans, Saxons are all ancestors • 19th century - UK set up overseas empire leading to black communities in the UK • After WW2 a shortage of workers led to many different cultures working in the UK • Extension of EU led to influx of Eastern Europeans • 1/5 people in the UK are from ethnic minorities
What are the benefits of living in a multi-ethnic society? • People of different ethnic groups will form relationships & bring peace amongst groups • More progress will happen due to more people with different ideas • Life is more interesting with a greater variety of food, music & culture • Multi-ethnic society helps people to live & work in a world of multi-national companies & economic interdependence
What are the effects of discrimination & racism? • If some groups feel they’re being treated unfairly - will turn against society = violence & discrimination • Some politicians believe some young black people turn to crime due to lack of opportunities because of discrimination e.g. 2011 London riots • Racism & discrimination can lead to groups forming like the BNP that stir up hatred
Why is community cohesion important? • Without community cohesion - racially/religiously motivated violence can break out • 7/7 bombers were British citizens who had lost their sense of allegiance to the UK • Lack of community cohesion makes it impossible for people to work together as modern societies need • In countries without community cohesion, violence becomes a way of life
How do the government promote community cohesion in the UK? • Giving money to groups that are working on community cohesion • Appointing cabinet ministers & judges from ethnic minorities • Making community cohesion part of school lessons • Passing the Race Relations Act 2010 making it unlawful to discriminate against anyone • Setting up the Equality & Human Rights Commission to monitor laws on discrimination
Why do Christians promote racial harmony? • In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus showed all races should love each other as neighbours • Jesus treated people of all races equally • St Paul taught that all races are equal as God created them all • The Christian Church has members from every race - 70% are non-white • The Catechism suggests every form of discrimination must be eradicated as incompatible with God’s design • St Paul said ‘you are all one in Christ Jesus’
How do the Catholic Church help to promote community cohesion? Help asylum seekers & immigrant workers by… • translating information leaflets into various languages • helping people find accommodation • providing legal advice & support • providing English Language Courses • celebrating Mass in other languages
What are some issues for religions in multi-faith societies? • Bringing up children - most religions teach that only their religion will lead to a good life after death - children educated in all faiths may be tempted away from their faith • Conversion - many religions believe they should convert people because their faith is the true faith - problems arise as trying to convert is like discriminating against other faiths • Interfaith marriages - for a religious service, couples often have to be of the same religion - which faith to bring up children with?
How do religions work together to promote community cohesion? • Some religions are developing interfaith marriage ceremonies • Problem of bringing up children is being dealt with by encouraging children to be brought up in both faiths • Religions are trying to work together to share festivals & other religious times • Holding local events for a mixture of religions such as ‘inter-faith weeks’ • By creating inter-faith events in schools to encourage students to consider other religious perspectives & promote tolerance & inclusivism
What are the different Christian attitudes to other religions? • Inclusivists (Catholics) teach Christianity has the whole truth, other religions may have some but either way we should treat people with respect • Exclusivists (Evangelicals) teach Christianity is the only truth & other religions are false - we should try & convert people to the truth • Pluralists (Liberal Protestants) teach no religion has the whole truth - all religions are different paths to God


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