League of Nations Revision Cards!!!


Nicole XD
FlashCards por Nicole XD, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nicole XD
Criado por Nicole XD quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What was the League's history? And when was it formed? It was formed in January 1920 Prevent war from ever happening again! but it failed, 1919-23 - meh okay 1924-1929 - weheeyyy 1929-1939 - aw man
What were the aims of the League? - maintain peace and reduce war risk - to settle international disputes. - encourage international cooperation to settle social and economical problems.
What sanctions could it impose? Moral, Economic and Military.
In 1922 how many members did the League have? and how many in 1926? 42 in 1922 and 55 in 1926. USA was never a member as she preferred to be isolated.
What were the aims of the League? (DIES) Disarmament Improve people's living and working conditions. Enforce the ToV Stop War (collective security)
How was the LoN meant to keep the peace? Uphold and enforce the ToV given opportunity to prevent war. Stop war and discourage aggression. Provide Collective Security, Article of Covenant states members
Name the main structural points of the League: The Secretariat: Kept records of meetings, prepared reports etc. Specialist sections covering health, disarmament etc. ITNL Labour Organisation: improve conditions of working people. Council: 4 perm members, met 5x a year, B,F,I,J, temporary members were elected by assembly. All perm members had VETO - could stop member acting no matter what.
Name the other structural points of the LoN: Assembly: met 1x year, parliament, every country sent a member to vote on admittance of new members, temps, budget etc. Permanent Court of Intnl Justice: settled disputes between countries peacefully, gave legal advice. Mandates Commission: mad sure B+F acted in interests of residents of mandates. Refugees: helped return refugees to homes after WW1. Slavery: abolish slavery Health Committee: deal with dangerous diseases.
Should the USA have joined the League? Like signing a blank cheque, USA powerful through isolationism. Some Americans were anti British/French, why should they be under their control? Linked to ToV, some immigrants or Americans hated the league.
What were the successes of the League? 1920 Upper Silesia - held a plebiscite, 700,00 to Germany, 500,000 to Poland. League partitioned to 2/3 Germany. 1920 Aaland Islands - belonged to Finland, most were Swedish, decided to stay Finland. 1920 League stopped Yugoslavia invading Albania. 1925 - Greek soldiers killed in border dispute, they invaded Bulgaria, League ordered them to withdraw and pay damage.
What were the failures of the League? 1923 France invaded Ruhr, didn't talk. 1919 Vilna cap of Lithuania, Lith claimed Vilna and Poland used force to seize city, league protested but allowed city awarded to Poland. 1923 Lithuania seized Memel, LoN accepted. 1923, Greek bandits murdered Italian soldiers, Mussolini demanded 50 million, Italy invaded Corfu. Conference of Ambassadors ordered Greece to accept Mussolini's demands.
What were the KABAMS? Kellog Briand Pact 1928 Austrian Hungarian support Bulgaria 1925 Aaland Islands 1921 Mosul 1924 Silesia 1921
What were the structural successes of the League? Slavery Commission stopped slave labour and the use of dangerous chemicals. World Heath Organisation - stop leprosy, malaria and yellow fever. ILO - international highway code and shipping signals were agreed. Refugees - Millions of refugees were returned home.
What were the weaknesses of the League? No army No USA No Germany until 1926 No USSR until 1934 Everything had to be agreed unanimously Countries making other agreements
How did International agreements help the work of the LoN? Locarno Treaties - Oct 1925 - Germany accepted ToV borders. B+I guaranteed to help France if Germany violated. Accepted Rhineland. Disputes through LoN Kellog Briand Pact - condemn war as a way of solving international disputes and reject as instrument of policy. Only brought by peaceful means.
What was the Dawes and Young plan? Dawes 1924 - Loan from Murica to help reparations. Young 1929 - reduced reparations
What were the consequences of the Wall Street Crash? No american loans available. Countries sought to fix economy by conquering new lands. Main powers were less committed. Reduced League's ability to take military action and to threaten aggressive nations.
What was the depression Vicious Circle? Hardship, unemployment, dictators then invade, weak response from League because of World economic depression.
Why did the LoN fail in Manchuria? Japan owned South Manchurian railway, had an army there to protect this, they wanted to control all of Manchuria (iron and coal) 1931 Army set up Mukden, explosion on railway, blamed on chinese and used event as an excuse to take over Manchuria. Gov didn't want, but popular. 1932 most of Manchuria taken over and was Manchukuo. China asked league for help but wasn't clear. LoN told Japan to take troops out but was ignored. LoN set up Lytton commission to get info. Oct 1932 report said japan was wrong, they ignored this and left the league. 1937 Japan invaded China. Left big time gap didn't use enough force should've sent commission out earlier, difficult to find evidence.
Why did the League fail with the Abyssinian crisis? Mussolini wanted Roman Empire, signed Locarno and Kellog to show Italy was playing a vital role in international affairs and wanted B+F as allies. Stresa front was BFI, against Germany, wanted to add Abyssinia to empire as he had possession of Somaliland and Eritrea and for revenge. 1934 Italian troops in Somaliland argued w/ Abyssinian troops + fought at wal wal. B+F could stopped by closing Suez Canal for Italian ships, could've helped with army but didn't want to hinder trade, and Mussolini was all against Germany. December 1935 B+F tried to stop war, Hoare and Laval secret pact: Italy keep 2/3 of Abyssinia but so unpopular when out the had to resign. Outrage cause wasn't owned by B or F, took too long and was ignored.
How was the end of the LoN signified? May 5th 1936, Italian troops entered Abyssinia Haile Selassie fled to geneva. June 30th appealed to the League
Why did the LoN fail in Abyssinia and Manchuria? Weak America - no Structure - too slow, unanimous Depression - countries wanted land and power. Unsuccessful - less people trusted it. Members - Italy and Japan betrayed it. Bullies -
Why did the League fail in the 1930's? Economic sanctions did not work Leading members had too much self interest. Lack of Troops America and other countries were absent. Treaties were unfair Decisions were slow.


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