Call Signs Cards


Pages 39-50
Michael Mazulis
FlashCards por Michael Mazulis, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Michael Mazulis
Criado por Michael Mazulis mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
T1F03 When is an amateur station required to transmit its assigned call sign? At least every 10 minutes during and at the end of a communication.
T1D11 When may an amateur station transmit without identifying? When transmitting signals to control a model craft.
T8C08 What is required in place of on-air station identification when sending signals to a radio control model using amateur frequencies? A label indicating the licensee's name, call sign and address must be affixed to the transmitter.
T8C07 What is the maximum power allowed when transmitting telecommand signals to radio controlled models? 1 watt.
T1C02 Which of the following is a valid US amateur radio station call sign? W3ABC
T1C12 Who may select a desired call sign under the vanity call sign rules? Any licensed amateur.
T1C05 Which of the following is a vanity call sign which a Technician Class amateur operator might select if available? K1XXX
T1C01 Which type of call sign has a single letter in both its prefix and suffix? Special event.
T2B09 Which of the following methods is encouraged by the FCC when identifying your station when using phone? Use of a phonetic alphabet.
T1F12 How many persons are required to be members of a club for a club station license to be issued by the FCC? At least 4.
T1C14 Who may select a vanity call sign for a club station? Only the person named as trustee on the club station license grant.
T1F01 What type of identification is being used when identifying a station on the air as Race Headquarters? Tactical call sign.
T1F02 When using tactical identifiers such as "Race Headquarters" during a community service net operation, how often must your station transmit the station's FCC-assigned call sign? At the end of each communication and every ten minutes during a communication.
T1F04 Which of the following is an acceptable language to use for station identification when operating in a phone sub-band? The English language.
T1F06 Which of the following formats of a self-assigned indicator is acceptable when identifying using a phone transmission? KL7CC stroke W3, KL7CC slant W3, KL7CC slash W3.
T1F08 Which indicator is required by the FCC to be transmitted after a station call sign? /KT, /AE or /AG when using new license privileges earned by CSCE while waiting for an upgrade to a previously issued license to appear in the FCC license database.
T1B01 What is the ITU? A United Nations agency for information and communication technology issues.
T1B12 Why are frequency assignments for U.S. stations operating maritime mobile not the same everywhere in the world? Amateur frequency assignments can very among the three ITU regions.
T1B02 Why are frequency assignments for some U.S. Territories different from those in the 50 U.S. States? Some U.S. Territories are located in ITU regions other than region 2.
T1D01 With which countries are FCC-licensed amateur stations prohibited from exchanging communications? Any country whose administration has notified the ITU that it objects to such communications.
T1C03 What types of international communications are permitted by an FCC-licensed amateur station? Communications incidental to the purposes of the amateur service and remarks of a personal character.
T1F07 Which of the following restrictions apply when a non-licensed person is allowed to speak to a foreign station using a station under the control of a Technician Class control operator? The foreign station must be one with the U.S. has a third party agreement.
T1F11 To which foreign stations do the FCC rules authorize the transmission of non-emergency third party communications? Any station whose government permits such communications.
T1C04 When are you allowed to operate your amateur station in a foreign country? When the foreign county authorizes it.
T1C06 From which of the following locations may an FCC-licensed amateur station transmit, in addition to places where the FCC regulates communications? From any vessel or craft located in international waters and documented or registered in the United States.
T1D02 On which of the following occasions may an FCC-licensed amateur station exchange messages with the U.S. military station? During an Armed Forces Day Communications Test.


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