Congress Vocab


Congress vocab
Sarah Allen
FlashCards por Sarah Allen, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sarah Allen
Criado por Sarah Allen aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

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Bicameral Government with 2 branches.
House of representatives Part of the Legislative branch; member based on state population
Constituents People who live and vote in a certain area.
Gerrymander Messing with the boundaries of a voting area so one party leads.
Senate Part of the Legislative branch; Made up of two representatives from each state
Speaker of the house Presiding officer of the House of Representatives. Elected by majority caucus.
President Pro Tempore Spokesperson of the Senate when Vice President isn't present.
Party Whips People who "whip" the group to focus on the topic
Standing Committee Created to discuss an issue; never disbands
Select Committee Created to discuss a certain problem; disbanded after job is done.
Joint Committee Consists of members from both the House and Senate
Seniority System Giving senators who have been in certain committees special treatment.
Expressed powers The powers given to Congress in the constitution
Implied Powers Powers that are implied, but not stated directly.
Elastic Clause Clause that gives Congress the power to stretch.
Impeach Charging with misconduct.
Bills of attainder Declaring someone is guilty and not giving them a trial.
Ex Post Facto Law Changes the legal action of something done before a certain crime was committed.
US Representative Qualifications 25 years old; US citizen for the past 7 years; Resident of the state they are representing.
Franking Privilege Sending mail without having to pay postage.
Pork Barrel Projects Spending money in an area to gain popularity.
Senator Qualifications 30 years old; US citizen for past 9 years; Live in the state they represent.
Filibuster Talking to delay an action, or change peoples mind on an action.
Cloture Quickly ending a debate
Veto Constitutional right to reject a decision presented.
Pocket veto Not signing a bill until the legislative session ends.


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