Psych 1000 Chapter 5


Psych chapter 5
FlashCards por UdaraJay, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por UdaraJay mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Synesthesia The mixing of senses. Where the person affected might see sound as colour.
Sensation This is the sensation detection process, where our sense organs respond to stimuli and convert environmental stimuli into nerve impulses.
Perception The active process of organizing and making sense out of stimuli. Giving it meaning.
Transduction The process by which the characteristics of a stimulus are converted into a nerve impulse.
Psychophysics Studies the relationship between the physical characteristics of a stimuli and it's sensory capabilities. It's concerned with the absolute limits of sensitivity and secondly it's the minimum difference required to notice a difference.
Absolute threshold The lowest intensity at which a stimulus can be detected correctly 50% of the time. Lower the absolute threshold -> stronger the sensitivity.
Decision criteria A standard of how much people need to be certain that there is a stimulus before they will say they detect it.
Signal detection theory concerned with the factors that influence sensory judgment
Difference threshold The smallest amount of change in stimuli required to notice a change in the stimuli


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