5. Data Exchange: Email and Transmission Methods


Key words to do with emails and transmission methods.
Daf (murrayd17)
FlashCards por Daf (murrayd17), atualizado more than 1 year ago
Daf (murrayd17)
Criado por Daf (murrayd17) aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

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Email Electronic mail.
File Compression A software program that is used to compress or decompress files using Algorithms.
Algorithms A mathematical step-by-step sequence used to work out calculations or carry out instructions.
Levels of Access These can be set by Network managers to allow individuals access to various files in a the network. In hierarchical order from lowest to highest the levels are: Read Only, Read/Write, Full Control.
POP3 - Post Office Protocol 3 A client/server protocol in which e-mail is received and held for you by your Internet server. It's the most recent version of a standard protocol for receiving e-mail.
Matthew Beautiful birthday boii.
Cc - Carbon Copy A copy of an email to be sent to secondary recipients.
Bcc - Blind Carbon Copy A copy of an email to be sent to secondary recipients where other recipients are unable to view each others email addresses.
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol An Internet standard for email transmission. It was last updated in 2008.
IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol IMAP is an Internet standard protocol used by e-mail clients to retrieve e-mail messages from a mail server over a TCP/IP connection.
Devices/Components Used as a generic term to mean computers, peripheral hardware, mobile telephones, manufacturing plant, environment monitors and many other things.
Data Any kind of information that has been formatted in a specific way. Different types of data include audio, video, images and monitoring signals, as well as text.
Peripheral Any device, such as a printer, attached to a computer to expand its functionality. Scanners, printers, and speakers are peripheral devices for a computer because they aren't central to the working of the computer itself.
CODEC A device or program used to encode or decode data to enable faster transmission.
Internet Packet A formatted block of data sent over the networks and the internet. A packet contains the addresses of send and destination, the data and error checking.
Mbps - Megabits per second Approximately a million bits can be transmitted through the media in one second.
Gbps - Gigabits per second Approximately a thousand million bits can be transmitted through the media in one second.
Sun Spot Activity From time to time there is the equivalent of a huge wave of flame released from the surface of the Sun. This releases millions of charged particles, some of which hit the Earth. These can cause disruption to data transmissions.
Geostationary Satellites A satellite orbiting the Earth at a height of 35,786 km does so at the same speed that the Earth is rotating. It therefore appears to be stationary above a single point on the Earth’s surface.
Simplex Transmission Sends data in one direction only. A radio broadcast is a good example of simplex transmission.
Half-duplex Transmission Allows two-way transmissions but the devices don’t transmit at the same time so they both cannot send messages at the same time, like Walkie Talkies. Some network systems use half-duplex to maximise bandwidth.
Full duplex Transmission Allows two-way communication at the same time. The telephone system, land or mobile, is an example of a full duplex system
Parallel transmission A number of bits of data are transmitted simultaneously over an equal number of wires/channels allowing the bits in a whole byte of information to be transmitted together. It has a short range with an absolute maximum of around 5 metres. Once popular for connecting printers to computers but it is rarely used these days because of its cost and limited range.
Serial Transmission Bits are transmitted one at a time over a single wire/channel reducing the cost of the cable, but gives a slower rate of data transfer. Bytes have to be disassembled into individual bits for transmission and then reassembled after receipt. It can be used over large distances.
Bi-directional Transmission Essentially about transmitting bits in both directions.
Packet Switching A mode of data transmission in which a message is broken into a number of parts (bits) which are sent independently, over whatever route is optimum for each packet, and reassembled at the destination.
Byte In computing and telecommunications, a byte is unit of digital information which commonly consists of eight bits.
USB - Universal Serial Bus A serial transmission method which was introduced to make many of the connections to a computer look the same. USB is used in a wide variety of devices, such as mobile telephones, memory sticks and MP3 players. USB ports also supply power to some devices.
Client Side Processing (advantages & disadvantages) When the interaction between a web page and code occurs directly on a user’s computer. An example of this is Javascript.
Server Side Processing (advantages & disadvantages) When the interaction between a web page and a computer is processed through a server.


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