Gr. 7 review flash cards - 1st sem


flashcards of vocabulary
FlashCards por mmisa, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por mmisa quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Messiah Savior, annointed One
Bethlehem Birthplace of Jesus
Mary chosen mother of Jesus
Annunciation Angel Gabriel visited Mary to tell her the news of her pregnancy with God's son
Angel Gabriel God's messenger to Mary and Joseph
Joseph Carpenter, earthly father of Jesus
Shepherds visited by the angels and told them about the birth of Jesus.
king Herod King of Judea, who wanted Jesus killed, ordered soldiers to kill all babies 0-2 yrs old
Jesus Savior of man's sins, died for our sins
manger food box, Jesus' temporary crib
stable place for animals to stay, place where Mary gave birth to Jesus
Inn hotels in Bethlehem
Immanuel or Emmanuel means God with us
Nativity Birth scene of baby Jesus, with Mary, Joseph and the shepherds
Jordan river place where Jesus was baptized
Nazareth place where Jesus grew up
King David descendant of Joseph
Miracles supernatural healings
temptation wanting to do bad
fasting not having food and water for religious purposes
disciples followers of Jesus
prayer way to communicate to God
Beatitudes The attitudes that Jesus taught.
Satan Enemy of God
sin words, thoughts and actions that disobey God
baptize to cleanse the spirit through water
poor in spirit to need God
mourn to feel deep sadness, grief
meek to be humble and self controlled
merciful to show forgiveness and understanding to others
pure in heart sinless
persecuted to be insulted, be put down or bullied for personal beliefs
righteousness doing the right thing according to God's rules
godly being like God
heaven place where God's throne and kingdom is.
peacemaker people who keeps the peace of others, not violent, gentle people


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