

ANT 104 (Exam III) FlashCards sobre Termonology , criado por Kay_C em 10-12-2013.
FlashCards por Kay_C, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Kay_C aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
Linear A/B -Cuneiform writing: -Linear A: script from 1800 BC to about 1400 BC that undecipherable even to this day. -Linear B: from 1400 to decline in 1100 Was an early form of Greek and not used for political, social, and philosophical aspects of life; only commercial transactions
Lion Gate -symbol of Mycenae (kind of like a flag) -apotropaic-> scare away enemies
Polis/ City-state -different centers of living in Classical Greece (i.e.: Corinth, Thebes, Athens, Sparta) -all had its own form of government, laws and money
Ball Game- ball courts -social(1), political(2), cosmological (3), & mythical (4)functions -(1)fertility -afterlife (1/4) -(2/4)helped decide when to sacrifice/ who was sacrificed -> high ranking captives forced to play & loser was sacrificed/ nobility sacrificed, too, bcuz they were thought to be closer to Gods *sacrifices done to appease gods* -Mesoamerican cultural period (i.e.: Mayans and Aztecs)
Colossal heads -marker of Olmec culture Purpose: may have been to rep. simple series of local/ regional leaders (i.e.: @ San Lorenzo, Laventa, & Tres Zapotes) -Mutilated -> suspected to be @ the hands of the Olmecs themselves (maybe after ruler died)
Chaac -Mayan rain god *Very imp. bcuz s because their entire existence as a people relied on the production of surplus from the agriculture which rain brought*
Bloodletting rituals -done to send back maize & water that the gods used to create the Mayan ppl to the earth so that they may sustain their way of living -> i.e.: good growing season
Chiefdom -socio-political structure of Mesoamerican civilizations -hierarchically arranged -> chief 1st(higher rank & authority over others) -Hereditary chiefs said to have leadership qualities "in their blood"
Democracy -Greek for "rule of the ppl" -Athens, Greece (4th Century) under Pericles -Direct Democracy = all the male citizens would gather, discuss the issues, and then voted on them. -able to vote= MALE, 18+, fam. in good standing, own property -> women & slaves excluded
Down-the-line-trade -a group will trade resources w/ nearby group, who trades a some of it to another that's a little farther away, etc. *farther away the material travels from the source the smaller the amount that is seen in that area* i.e.: trade of obsidian from Yellowstone to Mississippian cultures
Cultural Resource Management (CRM) -A professional field that conducts activities, including archaeology, related to compliance with laws aimed at preserving cultural resource laws. (i.e.: surveying land in construction site b4 it can be built on) -arose in 19th century bcuz ppl were upset about the destruction of nature -> i.e.: the looting of national heritage
Direct Trade -Travel to source of a material -Exchange goods or services for it -Receive it as a gift -Moves materials less distance
Palisade -a type of wall built of sticks supported by horizontal logs or interwoven sapplings -i.e.: @ Cahokia -> wall was started around A.D. 1100 & then rebuilt 3x over a period of 200 years. -Each construction required 15,000-20,000 oak & hickory logs, 1 ft in diameter and 20 ft tall. -logs were sunk into a trench 4-5 ft deep/ were supported w/ horizontal poles or interwoven w/ saplings.
Effigy Mounds -Effigy: an image or representation especially of a person -Mounds in the shape of animals for the gods -> i.e.: Serpent mound (Ohio) -Eastern N. American cultural period
Mayan Civilization -Subsistence:Wild plants & domesticated maize(amount varied upon status) -Settlement:sedentary villages w/ some monumental structures -Technology:pottery, clay figurines -Polytheist belief in gods that ruled everything -> specifically in terms of agriculture(reason for sacrifices/ bloodletting rituals) *Think of creation story!* -260 day Mayan Calender (accurate based on astronomy) Ball Game (from Olmecs) -Mayan #'s (included zero) -Glpyhs (800 diff. images) used for writer -Sites: (1) Tikal; (2) Chichén Itzá
Aztec Civilzation -migration of Nahua ppl from Aztlan to the Valley of Mexico-> 7tribes of Nahua people come from Aztlan: Xochimilca,Tlahuica, Acolhua,Tlaxcalan,Tepaneca,Chalca, and Mexica -Architecture:Twin pyramids & ball courts -Population: approx. 125,000 -Trade: thruout Mesoamerica & into U.S. SW -Technology: Obsidian; no metal -Art: Murals, monumental architecture -Social/ political regime: hierarchically arranged -Sites: Site: Tenochtitlán
Inca civilization -Incan empire was measured by a 1000 yr cosmic cycle-> 1000 yr cylce then divided in 1/2 -Sites: Machu Picchu, Nazca lines?
Bird Stones -carve stone flutes that look like birds
Minoan Civilization -civilization was developing on island of Crete -organized into a complex caste system: Nobles,Merchants, Artisans, Bureaucrats, & Laborers -Palace of Knossos -Language: Linear A/ Linear B -Religion: (1) Matriarchal society; (2)Center of worship was a mother goddess; (3) Earth goddesses portrayed in various forms -Art: bull leaping, males=red, women=white
Mycenaean Civilization -Aegean Greece (1900—1100 BC) -fortified cities -> protection from attack -Lion Gate -2 types of deities: (1) predecessors of Greek Olympian gods w/ same names; (2) natural divinities/ spirits -to tried to topple Troy-> Illiad/ Odyssey -warring civ.


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