Civics and Economics Chapter 1 Vocabulary (Real vocab)


Chapter 1 Flashcards
Carrington Monro
FlashCards por Carrington Monro, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Carrington Monro
Criado por Carrington Monro quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Civics The study or a persons rights and studies of citizenship
E. Pluribis Unum out of many one
Popular Sovereignty a political theory that government is created and sustained by the consent of its people
Nauturalization one out of two ways of becoming a US citizen
Dual Citizenship a person regarded as more of a citizen in one state than another
Immigrants people who migrate to a different country permanently
Refugees people who flee for safety
Melting Pot Theory people from other countries and different beliefs "melt" into a culture of harmony
Salad Bowl Theory people from other countries and different beliefs still keeping their culture and beliefs
14th Amendment the only amendment to classify who was a citizen
Government people who have power and make decisions for a state
Autocracy rule by self
Oligarchy rule by a group of people
Democracy rule by people
Direct Democracy democracy where the people decide
Representative Democracy (aka Indirect Democracy) people elect people to rule or to be in charge


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