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Jamaya Feitosa
FlashCards por Jamaya Feitosa, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jamaya Feitosa
Criado por Jamaya Feitosa aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
to be up to estar disposto a
I'm not much for...(ing) Atention: After preposition ing Eu não sou muito de... Ex: drinking beer eating fish playing cards bowling weight lifting
to set up = to arrange= organize to set up a meeting with
STRUCTURE BUILD UP if I get sleepy, I'll go to bed. if I get drunk, I'll throw up. If I get thirsty, I'll have a beer. if I get hungry, I, ll grab a sandwich. if I get nervous, I'll take it easy. If I get angry, I'll count to ten. If I get upset, I'll try to keep calm. If I get held up, I'll keep very quiet. If I get robbed, I'll call the police. princesa
yawn bocejar
sneeze espirrar
cought tossir
to get held up to be robbed with the possibility of violence
to get robbed when someone takes your personal property without permission
I'd love to! eu adoraria!
My pleasure! O prazer é meu!
to put up=to assamble erguer/edificar
throw a party give a party
to clear up (weather) to become nice and pleasant "limpar" I won't play tennis unless the weather clears up
tissue lenço I can't blow my nose unless you give me a tissue
to blow soprar/assoprar
what are you up to this weekend? = what are you going to this weekend? xxx
to be worth It's worth it to compensate valer a pena


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