Chapter 1


ICT (Chapter 1) FlashCards sobre Chapter 1, criado por ebanks.amber em 11-04-2013.
FlashCards por ebanks.amber, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ebanks.amber mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Describe the term input? Taking information that is external to the system and entering it into the system
Describe the term processing? An action performed on the data e.g. sorting/searching/performing calculations
Describe the term storage: This is where data is held either as the data hes been input or processing is required or the results of processing
Describe the term output? taking information that was in the system and outputting it
Illustrate the relationship between ICT systems: input->processing->output ^\ / Storage Feedback
Describe the term feedback: Where the output from the system forms part of the input to the system
What is a turnaround document? A document that has gone through the system and is output, it is printed by the computer then additional data is recorded on the document and this is then input into the system at a later date
What is the definition of data Data is raw facts and figures before they have been processed
What are the characteristics of data? Alphanumeric characters/Sound/Graphics/Raw facts/No meaning
What is the definition of information? Data which has been processed to give meaning Data+[Structure]+[Context]+Meaning
Define knowledge: The application of information to a situation
Define meaning: Data in the correct structure and placed within the context
Show how data can be converted into information: Data:31 32 34 32 31 Structure: Numbers Context: Celsius Meaning: Temperature over five days in Spain
What is meant by structure? How the data is presented
What is meant by context? An environment where are prior knowledge and understanding can make sense of the data
What are the main representation methods: Text/Graphics/Sound/Moving Pictures (Animation or Video)/LED
What are the advantages of using text to convey information? Clear to understand Lots of detail
What are the disadvantages of using text to convey information? Need to be able to read Need to understand the language Can be confusing Lots of text cannot be read quickly
What are the advantages of using graphics to convey information? Multilingual - don't need language to understand the image
What are the disadvantages of using graphics to convey information? Can be confusing if you don't know the symbols Some symbols don't mean the same thing in different countries
What are the advantages of using sound to convey information? No fixed position No line of sight required Good for visually impaired people
What are the disadvantages of using sound to convey information? No good in large areas Usually language based May not recognise the sound Need to be able to hear
What are the advantages of using animation to convey information? Lots of information conveyed Not language dependent Can exemplify text
What are the disadvantages of using animation to convey information? Linear - if you do not see the beginning you may not understand Problems if sound is attached
What are the advantages of using LED to convey information? Can allow data to be kept secure Can be used in noisy places Similar to graphics
What are the disadvantages of using LED to convey information? Need to be able to see the lights Combination of lights may need to be known to be understood
What is the difference between information and knowledge? Information is based of facts whereas knowledge is opinion
Give an example of how data can be turned into knowledge: Data: 101 Information: BBC1 channel number Knowledge: Sky number to input to get BBC1
What are the different data types? Boolean/Real/Integer/Text-String/Date-Time
Describe and give an example of the boolean data type: Can contain one of only two values e.g. Yes/No
Describe and give an example of the real data type: Contains numbers that will have a decimal place e.g. 45.78
Describe and give and example of the integer data type: contains whole numbers with no decimal places e.g. 45
Describe and give and example of the text/string data type: Any alphanumeric character 12345
Describe and give an example of the date/time data type: contains number and letters which display the date or time to different degrees of accuracy e.g. 12:45pm
Define direct data: Data collected from an original source
Define indirect data: Data which has been used for a different purpose than the one it was originally collected for or People/companies used for collecting the data different to those actually using the data
What are the advantages of using direct data? The source and collection method is known and verified The exact data required can be collected
What are the disadvantages of using direct data? May not get a large range of data Data may not be available
What are the advantages of using indirect data? -Large range of data is available that could not have been collected directly -Data can be available from different locations and time periods -Analysis may have already been completed on the data
What are the disadvantages of using indirect data? -Do not know if any bias was placed on the collection of the data -Cannot be certain of the accuracy of the data -May not have all the information about how,when and where the data was collected
Define static information: where the data, once created, does not change
Define dynamic information: the data can change and be updated
What are the advantages of static data? -does not require internet access -more reliable source of information
What are the disadvantages of static data? - there is a limited amount of information available -cannot be changed easily -only a certain number of people have access to it
What are the advantages of dynamic data? -provides a large volume of information -data can easily be updated -can potentially reach everybody -can be accessed from a variety of locations
What are the factors affecting the quality of information: Accuracy Relevance Age Completeness Presentation Level of detail
Why is accuracy important? If the data is not accurate you cannot rely on the information it provides
Why is relevance important? Information that does not relate to the topic is worthless
Why is age important? Information can change over time. Information for the past may not be relevant now
Why is completeness important? If you only have part of the information it is worthless
Why is presentation important? If the information is presented in a way that you cannot understand or find what you want it loses value
Why is the level of detail important? The volume of data determines whether you have enough to make a decision or too much
Define encoding: Taking the original data and storing it in a different representation
What are the advantages of encoding: -less memory required -increased security -increased speed of input -the data is easier to validate -the data may become more organised
What are the disadvantages of encoding: -the precision of data will be coarsened -the user needs to know the codes used -there are a limited number of codes -difficult to track errors
What is the purpose of validation? To make sure the data is sensible/reasonable/within acceptable boundaries/complete
What are the different validation methods: Range Type Check digit Presence Length Lookup Picture
Describe the purpose of a range check and give an example: sets upper and lower boundaries for the data, the data entered must lie between two values e.g.7-13
Describe the purpose of a type check and give an example: Makes sure that the data entered is the correct type e.g. boolean
Describe the purpose of a presence check and give an example: the computer will insist that a value is entered for that field e.g. name, address and phone number
Describe the purpose of a length check: data cannot be more than a set number of characters
Describe the purpose of a lookup check and give an example: data is cross referenced against a list to make sure that it is valid and acceptable e.g. a postcode
Describe the purpose of a picture check and give an example: the location of number and letters must be in the same place every time e.g. postcode
Describe the purpose of a check digit and give an example: a check digit is calculated using a set of numbers and then added to the end of them
What is the purpose of verification? to make sure that the source document is the same as the information on the object documnet
Describe double entry verification: entering the data twice, the computer then compares the data and finds any differences so the user can make appropriate changes
Describe manual verification: proofreading the data
What are transcription errors? mistakes copying the data e.g. hitting the wrong key Amber/Amver
What are transposition errors? Typing the data in the wrong order e.g. Amber/Abmer
Describe the term backup: Keeping a copy of the current data, so that the data is not lost
Describe the term archiving: long-term storage of the data that is not required immediately or not at all
What is the difference between backup and archiving? When archiving, data is written to a large capacity storage device at long intervals, unlike backup, which should be written at short intervals
What are the costs of producing information? Hardware Personnel Consumables Software
What are the costs associated with hardware? -the costs of acquiring it -repair and maintenance costs -upgrade costs
What are the costs associated with software: -software licenses -training costs -upgrades
What are the costs associated with personnel? -employee salaries -collecting and storing information about staff -training costs
What are the costs associated with consumables? -paper -printer ink
What are the costs associated with consumables? -paper -printer ink


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