Arbeitsaufträge für MSA Prüfung Englisch


Eine Liste der Arbeitsaufträge (Operatoren) für MSA / Mittlerer Schulabschluss Prüfungen im Fach Englisch
Antonia C
FlashCards por Antonia C, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Antonia C
Criado por Antonia C aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
answer answer the question
choose choose (one) alternative from a number of different possibilities
complete / correct / finish complete the sentence correct the sentence finish the story
describe say what something / someone is like
explain explain something in your own words. explain words from a text
fill in write words or numbers in a grid or a gap to prove that you understand certain information
match connect two or more words / sentences to show that you understand the meaning
read read a number of words and understand their meaning
tick put a tick to show if a statement is correct
write write an (informal) letter / an email / a text, using certain means of structure e.g. addressing someone


must, had to, mustn't oder don't need to
American Dream
Romeo und Julia
Antonia C
Stilmittel mit Wirkung & Beispiel
Antonia C
MSA & Abitur Mediation
Antonia C
Arbeitsaufträge für MSA Prüfung Deutsch
Antonia C
Mediation Richtig Gemacht
Antonia C
Stilmittel mit Wirkung & Beispiel
Kevin Loock
The Media
Antonia C