

Some general questions as well as some others based on the movie "Spanglish"
Teacher Alex
FlashCards por Teacher Alex, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Teacher Alex
Criado por Teacher Alex aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

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Welcome to this set of Flashcards! Ready to start? There are some questions and pics, but we are starting off with some maps. What do they tell you?
Spanish as official language (darkest red) 1,000,000+; 100,000+; 20,000+ Active learning of Spanish
Spanish spoken in the USA. Darker shades of blue indicate higher percentages of Spanish speakers.
What does the word "Spanglish" mean? The word is formed by combining 2 languages: Spanish + English
Learning / Speaking two Languages: Spanish and English
Who are the main characters in the movie? What are their jobs? Flor Moreno (maid), John Clasky (Chef), Deborah Clasky (stay-at-home mom), 3 children (pupils)
This is Flor Moreno, a Mexican immigrant and the Clasky's new housekeeper.
What is Flor's attitude towards her roots? She's very proud of her roots, values and language and wishes to raise her daughter accordingly.
This is John Clasky, an American chef from a white upper-class and Flor's new employer.
How would you describe John? He's a compassionate, loving husband and father; down to earth character.
This is Deborah Clasky, John's wife and a stay-at-home mom.
How would you describe Deborah? She is a neurotic housewife who becomes self-absorbed.
Who is Evelyn Wright? What is her problem? She is Deborah's mother and she's an alcoholic.
Where does the movie take place? In Los Angeles, California / USA.
What sources of conflict can you point out? Language and culture can arise conflicts as well as education.
Is Flor willing to learn English? If yes, what for? How do you know? She desperately needs to learn English to communicate effectively and uses all means to achieve her goal: audio texts, TV programmes, repetitions,...
How does Flor deal with her new surroundings? There is a language barrier that she wishes to overcome by learning English; She gets annoyed when she realizes that Deborah is overstepping her bounds and ends up leaving.
Who has been the most influential person in Cristina's life? Her mother (Flor) has.
Why does (grown-up) Cristina say so??? She acknowledges that her life rests firmly and happily due to her mother. Values and roots are much more important than money. She is the only bilingual, the real "Spanglish".


Spanglish alert! (2) advanced
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