Family Key Words


A Levels Sociology (Families & Households) FlashCards sobre Family Key Words, criado por RachelBean em 30-12-2013.
FlashCards por RachelBean, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por RachelBean aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

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Nuclear Family two-generation family made of hetrosexual couple and children
Household a group of people living together who may or may not be related
Family a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household. May be related by blood, birth, marriage or adoption
sexual divisions of labour division of paid and domestic work into men's and women's jobs
Pre-industrial before industrialisation
ascription/ascribed status allocation of roles and status on the bases of fixed characteristics e.g. gender/status being ascribed at birth
achievement/ascribed status allocation of roles and status based on individual achievement/earning your status rather than being given it at birth
Industrialisation main workforce changing from primary industry to secondary industries and mass movement from countryside into urban areas
Geographically Mobile Families being able to move around for work
instrumental leader male role; he is responsible for economic welfare of the family and protection of family members
expressive leader women's role; responsible for the socialisation of children and emotional care and support of family members
ideological apparatus according to Marxists, any institution that involves transmitting the ruling class ideas e.g. education
Conservative 'ideology' belief that in traditional ideas and institutions. They are suspicious of radical change
extended kinship networks relationships between family members beyond nuclear family e.g. aunts, uncles, grandparents
mutual economic support a system in which family members work to support each other
social solidarity feeling of belonging
Symmetrical family a nuclear family in which both spouses perform equally important roles
Consensus common agreement on shared values
delinquency crime committed by young people
consumption the ways in which individuals use goods and services
Dysfunctional having negative consequences
Feminization of the Economy an economic trend that began in the 1990s whereby the majority of newly available jobs were aimed at women
Functional prerequisites the basic needs of society such as the need for social order
Patriarchal ideology male-dominated ideas
social control process of persuading, encouraging and enforcing conformity
subculture subscribing to cultural values and norms that may be different from the mainstream
Familial Ideology the view that a particular type of family and particular living arrangements are the ideals that people aspire to e.g. marriage/women as mother/men as breadwinners
Idealized ideas presented as the ideal i.e. something perfect
Maternal deprivation the view that if a child is deprived of maternal love it will grow up to be psychologically damaged
Private Institution something that occurs 'behind closed doors' with few links with the wider community
Close-knit community community in which there are close relationships between people
Divorce legal ending of a marriage
Divorce petition legal request for a divorce
Empty-shell marriage a marriage in which the partners are no longer in love but stay together, usually for the children
Irretrievable A marriage unable to be recovered, broken down forever
Monogamy the practise of having only one partner
Negative Labelling treating something as being 'bad' or 'undesirable'
Privatized nuclear family a home-centred family that has little contact with extended kin or neighbours
Reconstituted families Step-families
Scapegoated unfairly blamed
Serial monogamy a series of long-term relationships
Secularistaion people losing belief in religion


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