ruusia 1914


FlashCards sobre ruusia 1914, criado por soapy-x6 em 14-04-2013.
FlashCards por soapy-x6, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por soapy-x6 quase 12 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
society -82% were peasants -church leaders 12% -working class 4%
population -not much privacy-poor -terrible living conditions -long hours and low pay
revolution famine- turned some people against the tsar -more teaching - about the revolution
people -125 million lived in Russia -they were divided into 100 nations -different religions and languages
distance and communications -poor weather conditions made it hard to travel -it took days to travel from place to place -communications were slow-difficult to rule
economy -slow industrialization -main wealth was farming because of rich natural resources -Russia made less money than really small countries
economy -slow industrialization -main wealth was farming because of rich natural resources -Russia made less money than really small countries
Tsar and family -rich and powerful -autocrat- made all the decisions
literacy Russia -11%can write England -84% can write


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