Biological Approach


Psychology (Abnormality) FlashCards sobre Biological Approach, criado por smita089 em 14-04-2013.
FlashCards por smita089, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por smita089 mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Explain the biological approach to abnormality. Abnormality is Caused by Physical Factors: Mental disorders are related to physical change, illness or dysfunction in the body. Genetic Inheritance - Abnormalities in neuroanatomy or neurochemistry are a product of genetic inheritance. Can be shown by concordance rates, if twins display high concordance rates for mental disorder it suggest genetic influence. Neuroanatomy and Neurochemistry: Abnormalities in brain structure may determine abnormality - some schizophrenics have large ventricles in their brain. Altered brain chemistry can lead to abnormal behaviour - low levels of serotonin in the brain of individuals suffering from depression. Viral Infection: Mothers of some schizophrenics contracted influenza during pregnancy. Thought to enter the child's brain and remain dormant until puberty.
Evaluate the biological approach to abnormality. Humane or Inhumane: Szasz - the concept of 'mental illness' was created to control individuals who society could not accept. Inconclusive Evidence: If mental disorder caused by genetic factors alone concordance rates would be 100%. Twin studies of schizophrenia, concordance rates 50%. Might inherit vulnerability to disorder which only develops under certain stressful conditions. Cause or Effect - No causal relationship between biological influence and mental disorder. Schizophrenics large ventricles in brain, they may be caused by schizophrenia rather than cause it.


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