Powers and clauses


FlashCards sobre Powers and clauses , criado por mwilliams1542 em 25-02-2016.
FlashCards por mwilliams1542, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por mwilliams1542 mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Enumerated powers (looks like numbered) aka "expressed powers" powers listed in the constitution & given to the national govt. ONLY
Implied powers Powers given to the Congress that are NOT listed in the constitution; basis for implied powers is the necessary & proper clause
Reserved Powers ( Amendment 10) are powers given to the state govt. only
Concurrent power con=with powers the national govt. shares with the state govt. Ex power to tax
Commerce Clause ( In article 1 , section 8 ) gives the congress power to regulate trade
Necessary & Proper Clause (Article 1 , Section 8, clause #18) aka the "Elastic clause' allows Congress to stretch
le Faith & Credit Clause (Article 4) says each state will respect the laws of another state
Supremacy Clause (Article 6) says the constitution , then laws made by congress are the "supreme law of the land"
Free Exercise Clause (1st Amendment) says people can freely exercise (practice) their religious beliefs
Establishment Clause (1st amendment) states congress can make no laws establishing a govt. religion; means "separation of church and state"
Due Process laws (5th & 14th Amendment) basically means an accused person's rights to a lawyer, right to trial by jury, or their right to face witnesses against them can NOT be taken away
Equal Protection Clause (14th Amendment) guarantees equal TREATMENT to everyone


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