Chapter 6


not applicable Micro Economics FlashCards sobre Chapter 6, criado por mcparada em 02-03-2016.
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Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
The ease of switching from one good to another Substitutability
Why the high price for antiques? Highly inelastic supply Limited supply Strong Demand
Two unrelated goods independent
If two goods are substitutes, then the cross elasticity of demand will be POSITIVE
The midpoint formula for calculating elasticity _____ the 2 prices and the 2 elasticizes averages
The passage of _____ involved in making a decision is one determinant of the price elasticity of demand Time
The ______ elasticity of demand measures the degree to which consumers respond to a change in their earnings by buying more or less of a particular good Income
When consumers decrease their purchase of a good as their income rises, it is known as a(n) ________ good. Inferior
The price elasticity of demand for most farm products is relatively price Inelastic
Main sources of gold price fluctuations Highly inelastic supply Shifts in demand
The formula for the cross elasticity of demand is written as: the % change in the qty demanded of one product _____ by the % change in the price of another product **divided** Exy= %of chg in qty demanded of prod X ______________________________________ % of chg in price of prod Y
If the qty supplied by producers is relatively insensitive to price changes, supply is relatively price inelastic
The _____ ______ of demand measures the responsiveness or sensitivity of consumers to a price change Price elasticity
The price elasticity of demand and _________ revenue are inversely related Total
The proportion of income allocated to a particular good or service is a determinant of: The price of elasticity of demand
Pick 2 inferior goods *Bus tickets from LA to NY *Steak *Plane ticket from LA to NY *hamburger *Bus tickets from LA to NY *hamburger
The change in qty, divided by the avg of qty 1 and wty 2, divided by the change in price divided by the avg of price 1 and price 2 is known as the ______ formula or approach for the price elasticity of demand Midpoint
The % change in qty supplied divided by the % change in measures the price elasticity of _________ Supply
The % change in qty demanded divided by the % change in income is the formula for the: Income elasticity of demand
The % change in qty demanded of good X divided by the % change in the price of product Y is known as the: Cross elasticity of demand
What is the term that indicates the total amt the seller receives from the sales of a product in a particular time period Total Revenue
A _________ good is one that is demanded more as income rises Normal
Luxuries v. ______ is one of the determinants of the price elasticity of demand Necessities
How will the price elasticity of demand for a good that is considered to be a luxury compare to one that is a necessity It will exhibit a price elasticity coefficient greater than one
Which of the following are viable arguments against the legalization of illegal drugs *Overall demand for cocaine and heroin is more elastic than proponents think *Removal of legal prohibitions against using drugs might make drug use more socially acceptable
Digital camera and memory sticks are what type of goods Complementary
If the qty supplied by producers is relatively responsive to price changes, supply is relatively price elastic
The price elasticity of demand is ______ when price and total revenue change in opposite directions greater than one
In the short run, plant size _____ is fixed
Which of the following products are targeted by govt legislatures for increased excise taxes? Liquor, Gas, Cigarettes
The _____ the negative cross elasticity coefficient, the greater is the complementary relationship between two goods larger
Product demand is generally more ______ when the time period under consideration is longer. elastic
The formula for the income elasticity of demand is the % change in qty demanded _______ by the % change in consumer income. divided
How many products (goods/services) are considered when referring to the cross elasticity of demand formula. Two
Arguments against legalization of illegal drugs? *Overall demand for cocaine and heroin is more elastic than proponents think *Removal of legal prohibition against using drugs might make drug use more socially acceptable
The price elasticity of demand for most farm products is relatively price ________ Inelastic
How is a buyer’s responsiveness to price changes measured? A buyer’s responsiveness to price changes is measured by the price elasticity of demand coefficient
What is the sign of the income elasticity coefficient if the good is a normal good? Positive
Arguments in favor of legalizing illegal drugs *Drugs should be treated like alcohol and regulated for purity *Current was on drugs = unsuccessful *Legalization would reduce drug trafficking
Because the physical availability of gold is limited and gold production is costly, the supply of gold is Inelastic
The ____________ market period is the length of time over which producers are unable to respond to a change in price with a change in qty supplied Immediate
_____ in price when a product is relatively price elastic will lead to a decrease in total revenue An increase
A relatively large percentage change in qty demanded divided by a relatively smaller change in price yields relatively price ______________ demand. Elastic
Demand is relatively price _______ when price and total revenue move in the same direction Inelastic
Which of the following would be characteristics of goods with relatively elastic demand? *High priced goods relative to income *Luxuries
With a unit elastic demand, when prices changes, total revenue______ stays constant
If the price elasticity of demand is inelastic, the qty demanded changes by_______ percentage than does price a smaller
As you move from higher to lower prices, the price elasticity of demand declines
When recessions occur in the economy, the ______ of demand help predict which products will rise or fall in demand income elasticity
Demand is relatively price ____ if the percentage change in price leads to a larger percentage change in the qty demanded elastic
The price elasticity coefficient of supply is ____ if greater than 1 elastic
Which of the following goods and services would most likely exhibit an inelastic price elasticity of demand coefficient *Medical Care *Auto Repairs *Milk
Which type of elasticity shows how responsive demand is to a change in earrings income elasticity of demand
How will the price elasticity of a product that is broadly defined compare with one that is narrowly defined? it will be less elastic
The price elasticity of supply is more _______in the long run than in the short run elastic
Why is the supply curve more elastic in the long run that in the short run because firms have time to adjust
Which is true when demand is unit elastic? *% chg in qty demanded is = to % chg in price *% in qty demanded is > the % of chg in price *The % qty demanded is < the % chg in price chg in qty demanded is = to % chg in price
When cross elasticity is _____ the goods are complementary negative
Which goods/services would most likely exhibit an inelastic price elasticity of demand coefficient? *Beef, auto repairs, Medical care, milk, dining out Auto Repairs Medical Care Milk
What type of demand is represented by a small chg in price that leads to a lg chg in qty demanded? elastic
In the immediate market period, the _____ curve is vertical supply
Which of the following would most likely exhibit an inelastic price elasticity of demand coefficient? Auto Repairs, Medical Care, Milk, Dinning Out , Beef Auto Repairs, Medical care, milk
When an increase/decrease in prices does not change total revenue demand is ____ elastic unit
coca cola and new balance sneakers would have a cross elasticity coefficient of zero
When the price elasticity of demand is elastic, the % chg in qty demanded exceeds the % chg in price. What is the value of the elasticity coefficient? Greater than one
the _____ formula is used for calculating the price elasticity of demand midpoint
price is most elastic in the ____ run long
the price elasticity of demand is ______ when price and total revenue change in opposite directions = to 1, < 1, 1>, < 0 greater than one
a small % chg in qty demanded divided by a larger % change in price results in relatively price _______ demand inelastic
the cross price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of consumer purchases of one product due to a change in consumer income
the income elasticity of demand shows the responsiveness of demand for a good/service when an individual's ______ changes earnings


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