World Civ Midterm Exam

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religion that arose because of Muhammad. Islam
Ottoman Empire's troops.unique because they were well paid and well trained. They had very advanced weapons for that time period. First known soldiers with a military band. Janissaries
Ethics system that emphasized personal self-improvement. One of the key teaching says "do not do unto others what you would not have done unto you". Confucianism
From the Safavid Empire, his works are considered masterworks of world literature. His key work is the Rubiyat, which was a compilation of his long stories and poems. Omar Khayyam
These were Shia (Shiite) Muslims that were centered in a part of the world that was then called Persia, and is now Iran. It was a rival empire to the Ottomans and was frequently at war with them. They had Shahs as leaders of the empire. Safavid Empire
He ruled the Ottoman Empire for a very long time. He was called the "law-giver", and he devised a system of justice and written laws that were applied fairly to all people. He also allowed cultural and religious diversity. He used his wealth to promote culture, and greatly expanded OE by military conquest. Suleiman the Magnificent
These were Sunni Muslims that took over some territory and created a state of their own. Their troops were janissaries, and this empire grew because of the efforts of them. They had sultans as leader figures of this empire. This empire did not force its citizens to convert to Islam; it supported religious diversity. They favored agriculture and warfare above all other pursuits; they scorned banking and manufacturing. This proved to be a weakness of it and led to its decline. Ottoman Empire
He was frequently called "renaissance man". He was an Italian artist, mathematician, engineer, architect and inventor. Last Supper and Mona Lisa were huge staple pieces of the renaissance. Leonardo da Vinci
Protected the shogun. (Japan) to be this, your father had to be one first. It was the most respected occupation. They were proficient in martial arts and lived by the same code, the bushido. They had to be educated and were indifferent to pain. Death before dishonor. Ritual sacrifice Samurai
a device that could be used by a skillful sailor to calculate latitude. astrolabe
In France and Spain. The king has all the power. The idea is that the king obtained his power from God. The king is God's lieutenant on earth. The king is not subject to the will of the people and any attempt to limit his power is against God's will. absolute monarch
King of France in the late 18th century who was an absolute monarch. During his reign, France experienced severe financial problems. It led to a meeting of the estates generals. He was eventually beheaded. Louis XVI
When ships were difficult to steer, sailors started to use this triangular sail which made it much easier. Lateen sail
Hearing in a German town for Martin Luther where they were going to execute him for his 95 theses. The pope ordered that no one should give him shelter and if anyone killed him, they would be pardoned. Diet of Worms
A new order of priests founded by Ignatius Loyola (he was not corrupt). The qualifications for Jesuits were very specific: high intelligence and a sterling character. He wanted them to go out among the people and do good wherever they were. The ones who stayed in Europe tended to be schoolmasters. Jesuits
Means "way of the warrior". This was the code of conduct that all samurais lived by. It governs the life of every boy that will grow up to be a samurai. Literacy and mastery of martial arts and weaponry was a huge factor. They had to reject soft living and be honorable in every aspect of life. Bushido
Acts that gave British redcoat soldiers any accommodations or housing. Quartering Act
Case in 1896 when a black man named Homer Plessy took segregation to court. Plessy v. Ferguson
The creation of unequal economic and cultural relationship between states, based on domination and subordination. What made this possible was technology. It enabled Europeans to control others. Maxim gun was one of the keys. China, India and Africa. Imperialism
An important Italian poet during the Renaissance period. He wrote in a language that regular, ordinary educated people could read (vernacular English). His major work is the divine comedy which was an imaginary journey through heaven and hell. In it, he depicted many corrupt popes as being in hell. Dante
He was thought to be the heart of change. He was a German monk that was infuriated by indulgences and the corruption in the church. He wrote the 95 theses and his hearing was the Diet of Worms. His efforts sparked the protestant reformation. He founded Lutheranism and translated the bible into German. Martin Luther
Catholic ruler of England who became protestant. He brought protestantism to England for the sole purpose of divorcing his wife to gain a male heir. His children were Mary Tudor, Edward VI, and Elizabeth I. Henry VIII
In England, only people who were apart of this church could hold political or military office. Church of England
He sold land that was called Louisiana to the Americans when he needed quick money. This was the Louisiana Purchase. It doubled the size of our country for a low price. Napoleon
(1300-1520) Fully functioning civilization discovered by the Spanish. They were polytheistic, had many temples, and practiced human sacrifice. They also developed a calendar and had a written language. They were very warlike, had slaves, and collected taxes. Their peak was right as the Spanish arrived. They were not unified because they had no loyalty to their ruler due to heavy taxes. The Spanish conquered them fairly quickly. Aztec Empire
Empire conquered by the Spanish under Pizzaro, in what is now modern day Chile, Peru, and Ecuador. Pizzaro was dishonorable because of the way he treated their chief. Incan Empire
At the time of Columbus' expeditions, this treaty drew a line from north to south. Everything to the west belonged to Portugal, everything to the east belonged to Spain. Treaty of Tordesillas
Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson; Ruled that segregation is inherently unequal. Opened the way for desegregation of all schools and public accommodations. Brown v. Board of Education
The process of gang initiation in India. They had to rob and strangle their victim. thuggee


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