401 Unit 1


The World of Advertising
Tracey Tewksbury
FlashCards por Tracey Tewksbury, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Tracey Tewksbury
Criado por Tracey Tewksbury mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
goal objective; purpose
(growing) market people who buy products; customers
message communication; idea; information
successful having a positive result; very effective
convince get SB to share your belief or opinion or choice
to fail to be unable
global worldwide; international
competition (for a market) other companies trying to sell the same product / services
commercial (adj.) business (adj.)
exotic very uncommon and novel
to catch (SB's) eye to get (SB's) attention
to pay attention to listen and observe with attention
to hold (SB's) attention to keep (SB) interested
catchy (adj.) something you hear and remember well (like a song or a slogan)
to impress (SB) to make people think well about (STH/SB); to be memorable in a positive way


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