Chapter 2 separate but equal


Separate but equal
Melanny Zunun0150
FlashCards por Melanny Zunun0150, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Melanny Zunun0150
Criado por Melanny Zunun0150 mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Reverenbd J A Delaine Teacher and Pastor of Liberty school, he fild the lawsuit.
Harry Briggs Jr The boy who walksb to school for 5 miloes everyday
Thurdgood Marshall He was a attorrby to black students in South Carolina, Against segeregated schools.
John W Davis Lawyer for South Carolinaq, he wanted seperate but equal schools, wanted schools segregted.
Earl Warren Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,agaisnt segregated schools, Briggs vs Elliot and Brown.
14th Amendment One fo the Civil War Amendmnet, defined US citizenship and gurantees ''Equal protection under the laws''
De jure Segregation Segregation sperated by law,for example Jim Crow and the Supreme Court decision in Plessy v Ferguson.
De facto segregation latin phrase, ''by fact'' Segregation that did not occur by law but as a r4sult of tradition, edxample blaqck and whites in the 1900's went to seperate churches.
Jim Crow Laws Segregation law in SC
Orginal Jurisdiction Authority of the court to hear a case for the FIRST TIME.
Appellate Jurisdiction Authorit of the court to hear a case APPEALED rrom a lower court.
Majority Opinion Statement that represents the vi8ews of the majority of the Supreme Court justices regardingb a case.
Dissenting Opinion Statement written by a Supreme Court jutice who disagrees with the majority opinion, presenting his or her ow2n opinion.
''Stare Decisis'' Principle follwed by the judges and tyhe Supreme Court, a Latin term that means ''Lets yesterday decision stand''
Precedent Ruling thqt is used as the basis for a judicial decision in a later, similar case
Due Process of Law Fair and equal treatment of the laww, 5th and 14th Amendments mention the due procsess of laws.
Dred Scott v Sanford (1857) Slave named Dred Scott, SC rulled thaqt enslaved African AQmericans were property, not citizens and also had no rigths ubnder the Constitution.
Plessy v Ferguson (1896) A black man, who purchased a ticket to ride a ''all whites only section'' on tyhe railroad car in Louisiana, Case established ''Seperate but equal'' doctrine'
Brown v Board of Education of Topeka Kansas (1954) Banned segregation in public schools.
Briggs v Elliot (1954) Challoenged segregated schools in Clarendon cOUNTY,
Korematsu v United During WW2 Japanese American citizens liveling on the West Coast were moved to internment camps, Suprme Court upheld the President authority to do this, This case in an example of the President authority to do this, Ex of the Presidents power to issue abn execeutive order, checks and balances, and ju7dicial review.
University of California v Bakke (1978) SC case on affirmative action, It bars use of racial quota systems in college admissions but also afirmative


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