Key words


Animal rights free words
FlashCards por jimmy98, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jimmy98 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Sanctity of life Life is sacred because it is God-given
Respnsibility Duty; the idea that we are in charge of our own actions
Extinction When all of that species have died out and that species will never exist on Earth again
Factory farming When animals are used for meat or dairy products, but kept indoors in very small spaces
Vegetarian Someone who does not eat meat
Vegan A person who does not eat meat or have any animal products
Fur trade The business of farming or hunting wild animals for their fur to be made into clothing
Ivory Trade The sale of ivory tusks from Elephants' tusk, often illegally
Animal experimentation Testing on animals, either for medication or cosmetic purposes, to ensure that the product is safe for use by humans
Genetic modification Where plants and animals have their natural make up altered by scientists


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