Family : Key words


GCSE Sociology (Family) FlashCards sobre Family : Key words, criado por katiehumphrey em 15-01-2014.
FlashCards por katiehumphrey, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por katiehumphrey mais de 10 anos atrás

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family consists of people we are related to by ties of blood, marriage, adoption, civil partnership or cohabitation. There are many different types of family
functionalist sociologist sociologists who believe that each part of society has roles to fulfil in order that society can survive as a whole
7 functions of the family 1. The regulation of sex 2. Reproduction 3. Physical care 4. Socialisation and social control 5. Emotional support 6. Economic support 7. A place in society
household A group of people that share a home or living space
marriage A legally recognized relationship between two adults
nuclear family a two generation family, consisting of parents and their dependent children
extended family any family larger than a nuclear family. There are different types of extended family
matrilocal living with or near to the wife’s family
traditional extended family a three generational matrilocal family in which family members have frequent face-to-face contact
patrilocal living with or near to the husband’s family
neolocal the couple set up their own home
polyandry a rare form of marriage where the women has more than one marriage partner
polygamy the man has more than one marriage partner, common in Islamic countries
cohabitation When people live together without being married e.g. halls of residence
divorce The legal termination of a marriage, leaving the couple free to remarry
secular society a society that is not ruled by religious beliefs
serial monogamy A person has more than one marriage partner in their lifetime. The main reason for increased serial monogamy is increased divorce rate
reconstituted family a family in which one or both partners has been married or cohabited before, and has a child or children, creating step relationships
lone parent family Families with only one parent
boomerang family a family in which non dependent children return home to live with their parents
beanpole family a tall, narrow extended family often containing four (or five) generations
singlehood people living alone; elderly people, divorced or separated, young adults living alone
conjugal roles The different roles of the husband and wife or couples living together as partners
symmetrical family a family in which conjugal roles are similar but not identical
housewife An unpaid role, which made wives financially dependent on their husbands
househusband A man with the main responsibilities for domestic tasks and childcare, whose partner is the main breadwinner
dark side of family A situation in which family life damages its members
child abuse Harm caused to a child or young person under 18 by an adult
domestic violence threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, emotional, physical, sexual or financial) committed by a family member against another
breadwinner person in the family who goes out of the home to paid work


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