CRASHING- The steps to war.


FlashCards por caitlinjardine, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por caitlinjardine mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
C is for... Civil war in Spain- British signed up to the non intervention committee
R is for... Retaking the Rhineland and the Saar. B+F did nothing cos of the focus on Abyssinia
A is for... Anschluss with Austria. The joining of Austria and Germany
S is for... Sudatenland crisis/ Munich agreement. Encouraged Germans to live there.
H is for... Hitler takes remainder of Czechoslovakia- 1939 was the end of appeasement. Hitler invaded.
I is for... Italy and Germany form Pact of Steel. Mussolini left LON and allied with Hitler.
N is for... Nazi Soviet Pact- Promise not to go to war with each other. Secretly a plot to invade Poland between I&G
G is for... Germany invade Poland- Alliance of convenience for USSR. War had begun.


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