Marketing Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning


Chapter 5
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Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Define Market segmentation To identify groups of customers with similar requirements so they can be served effectively
Name the three sectors of customer segmentation 1. Behavioural 2. Psycho graphic 3. Profile
Name three variable of behavioural and give an example for each 1. Benefits sought : performance 2. Purchase occasion : gift 3. Purchase behaviour : brand loyalty
Name two variables of psycho graphic and give examples of each Lifestyle : adventurous trendsetter Personality : extrvert
Name three variables of Profile and give exams of each 1. Age : young 2. Social class : upper class 3. Gender : Female
Name the 5 elements to successful segementation 1. Measurable 2. Effective 3. Accessible 4. Actionable 5. Profitable
Name the 4 types of target marketing strategies (FUCD) 1. Focused Marketing 2. Undifferentiated marketing 3. Customized Marketing 4. Differentiated marketing
Define Target Marketing The choice to serve a specific segment of the market.
Define positioning the way by which the marketers attempt to create a distinct impression in the customer's mind
What are the 4 aspects to successful positioning? (4 Cs) 1. Clarity 2. Consistency 3. Credibility 4. Competitiveness
Name the 5 factors of Organisational Segemention 1. Organisational size. 2. Industry 3.Purchasing Organisation 4. Choice criteria 5. Graphic location


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