

The Boston Matrix The Product Life Cycle (PLC)
FlashCards por mcyi3rn2, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por mcyi3rn2 quase 11 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
What are the 4 stages in the boston matrix? 1. Question Mark/ Problem Child 2. Star 3. Cash cow 4. Dog
What are the measuring axis' on the boston matrix Market Growth and Market Share
The the characteristics of a star in the Boston Matrix 1. Market leaders in high growth market 2. Already successful have have future growth opportunities 3. resources should be invested to remain/increase leadership 4. Future cash cows if protected.
Name the characteristics of the problem child/ question mark 1. Low profits as requires investment. 2. Management must consider to continue with investment. 3. Cash cow's excess cash should fund the problem child to develop a star
Name the characteristics of a Dog 1. Weak products in low-growth markets. 2. In mature stage of cycle.
Name the characteristics of cash cows 1. They're a positive cash-flow 2. May be possible to reposition for a niche market
Name the 4 stages of the PLC 1. Introduction 2. Growth 3. Maturity 4. Decline
Identify 3 characteristics of the Introduction 1. Sales growth is low and losses are made. 2. There is heavy development and high promotional costs. 3. Firms will monitor the speed of adoption to access whether to continue with it
Identify 3 characteristics of the growth stage 1. Faster sales and profit growth. 2. Profits may begin to decline towards the latter stage due to new entrants. 3. Sales growth from repeat purchasing
Identify 3 characteristics of Maturity stage 1. Sales will peak 2. Saturation will occur 3. May introduce product improvements/changes
Identify 3 characteristics of the Decline stage 1. Suppliers may cease production 2. Promotional budget may be slashed 3. Die off stage


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