Health and Wellbeing


A-Level Spanish (Healthy Living & Lifestyle) FlashCards sobre Health and Wellbeing, criado por Bryony Whitehead em 28-03-2016.
Bryony Whitehead
FlashCards por Bryony Whitehead, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Bryony Whitehead
Criado por Bryony Whitehead mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
abejas bees
aburrirse to get bored
acabar de to have just
aceite oil
aconsejar to advise
alimentos foods
almíbar syrup
ama de casa housewife
asqueroso disgusting
azúcar sugar
cabra goat
cachi plastic cup (slang)
calambres shakes, shock
calimocho red wine mixed with cola
casero homemade
charlar to chat
chicle gum
combustible fuel
comida rápida fast food
compaginar to combine
conllevar to bring with it
consejos advice
cuidar a los hijos to look after the children
cuidarse la línea to look after your figure
culpable guilty
dar a luz to light
dejar de fumar to give up smoking
desayunar to have breakfast
desnatado skimmed
dolor pain
el alquitrán tar
el botellón binge drinking
el estrés stress
el síndrome de abstinencia withdrawal symptons
emborracharse to get drunk
emprender to take on
empresa business
encender to light
enfadarse to get angry
enfermedades cardíácas heart diseases
engordar/adelgazar to get fat/thin
enseñar to teach
evenenarse to poison oneself
equilibrada balanced
escalofríos chills
esnifar to sniff, snort
estar a régimen to be on a diet
estar agotado to be worn out
estar enganchado to be hooked
estresante stressful
fastidiar to annoy
fresco fresh
frutos secos nuts
galletas biscuits
ganar dinero to earn money
grasas fats
hidratos de carbono carbohydrates
horario fijo fixed timetable
huerta vegetable patch
humo smoke
imprescindible essential
ingerir to ingest
inhalar to inhale
inyectar to inject
jefe boss
jubilarse to be retired
la bollería cakes
la mortalidad total mortality rate
las churcherías sweets, treats
las hortalizas vegetables
las legumbres vegetables, pulses
llevar a comportamientos antisociales to lead to antisocial behaviour
los lácteos dairy products
mantenerse sano to keep healthy
mantequilla butter
mariscos shellfish
menos mal que just as well that
merendar (e-ie) to snack
miel honey
multa fine
negarse to refuse to
nevera fridge
ocio leisure
ocupado busy
olvidarse (de) to forget (about)
padecer obesidad to suffer from obesity
parche de nicotina nicotine patch
pegamento glue
perder kilos to lose weight
pescado fish
picotear to pick
polvo dust, powder
ponerse a régimen to be on a diet
ponerse de mala leche to get in a bad mood
proteínas proteins
pulmones lungs
quejarse to complain
recordar to remember
refrescos refrshments
repugnar to disgust
rollizo log
sandía watermelon
sano, saludable healthy
seguir to follow
sentir estresado/a to feel stressed
ser obeso to be obese
sobredosis overdose
soler +inf (o-ue) to usually + inf
sudoración sweating
sueldo salary
tabaco tabacco
tener hangre to be hungry
tener sed to be thirsty
tener sobrepeso to be overweight
tener una resaca to have a hangover
toser to cough
trabajo a tiempo parcial part time work
turno shift
un día libre a day off
una caladita a drag, puff
vicio vice, bad habit
vino tinto red wine
visión borrosa blurred vision


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