BERNSTEIN: 'Something's Coming'


Edexcel GCSE Music flashcards for Bernstein
Alex C
FlashCards por Alex C, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alex C
Criado por Alex C quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Dynamics pp to begin with to build anticipation & suspense
Dynamics cresc. into bursting forte at b. 21 to create contrast and show exuberance
Dynamics confident forte throughout B section (from b.32)
Dynamics C section at warm mf
Rhythm/metre 3 note 'push rhythm' used as rhythmical ostinato - breathless anticipation
Rhythm/metre metre changes drive mood of song - 2/4 gives momentum
Rhythm/metre cross-rhythms - triple feel in 2/4 adds excitement; emphasised by accents
Structure symmetry=structural cohesion - opening intro is balanced by similar outro
Structure falls into verses, each with 2 ideas: a) 3 note ostinato b) straighter 2/4, monotone
Structure C forms a bridge passage (voice is higher, using more expansive note values)
Melody a & b) short & repeating, often moving up and down interval of 3rd; b on monotone at start
Melody jazzy due to blue notes e.g. b5 and b7 in C maj at b.48
Melody C is mainly stepwise but higher in pitch to enhance dreamy quality
Instrumentation/Timbre for solo tenor, acc. by an orchestra of 31 (reeds doubling)
Instrumentation/Timbre soft timbres (muted tpts) so don't overpower singer
Instrumentation/Timbre strings use harmonics & lay tremolo during 'The air is humming'
Texture generally homophonic - tune with supporting acc.
Texture 2 bar monophonic texture at 2/4 b.21 which creates contrast
Texture from b.32: um-pah style with enriched acc. texture (stepwise minims) creating melodic counterpoint
Harmony/Tonality maj key: Dmaj/Cmaj, which are a min7th apart - prominent interval in WSS
Harmony/Tonality tonal - sense of key reinforced by tonic and dominant in acc.
Harmony/Tonality jazz harmony such as b7ths - e.g. b.21 G7 chord
Harmony/Tonality discords e.g. D-G# tritone in intro add character and bite
Word setting/painting a) syllabic with short phrases
Word setting/painting b) syllabic, enhanced by marcato; monotone creates drive & weight 'cannonballing'
Word setting/painting c) syllabic with relaxed mood (longer note values); significant section of music for small amount of text


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