Flower names


Plant Taxonomy (Flowers) FlashCards sobre Flower names, criado por CelestialStarz em 21-01-2014.
FlashCards por CelestialStarz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por CelestialStarz mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is the scientific name and family of the Hybrid tea rose? Family: Rosaceae Scientific name: Rosa hybrid
What are the family and scientific names of the Garden gladiolus? Family: Iridaceae Scientific Name: Gladiolus hybrid
What are the characteristics of the Hybrid Tea Rose? Doubled flower with extra petals
What are the family and scientific names for the Hibiscus? Family: Malvaceae Scientific Name: Hibiscus hybrid
What are some characteristics of the Hibiscus? Doubled flower with small extra petals attached to filament column
What are the family and scientific names of the Stargazer lily? Family: Liliaceae Scientific Name: Lilium orientale
What are the family and scientific names of the Daylily? Family: Hemerocallidaceae Scientific Name: Hemerocallis hybrid
What are the family and scientific names of the Dutch iris? Family: Iridaceae Scientific Name: Iris x hollandica
What family do the Dutch Iris and Gladiolus share? Iridaceae
What family does Clarkia amoena belong to? What's it's common name? Onagraceae; Farewell to Spring
What are the family and scientific names of the Garden pansy? Family: Violaceae Scientific Name: Viola hybrid
What flower from the beautiful flowers video belongs to the family Convolvulaceae? Morning Glory; Ipomoea sp
What are the family and scientific names of the Lilac? Family: Oleaceae Scientific Name: Syringa
What are some characteristics of the Garden chrysanthemum? What family does it belong to? doubled radiate flower head with extra ray flowers plus disk flowers; Asteraceae
Is it the family or genus name that is the same as the common for the Garden amaryllis? Family: Amaryllidaceae Genus: Hippeastrum
The flower video had once species from the family Onagraceae; what was it? Fuchsia
Datura wrightii or Jimson weed belongs to which family? Solanaceae
Narcissus turned into which commonly named flower? What are the Scientific and Family names? Daffodil; Narcissus pseudonarcissus; Amaryllidaceae
Helianthus is the genus name for which flower? What is the family name? Sunflower; Asteraceae
Rhododendron refers to which flower? Family? Garden azalea; Ericaceae
To which family does the Citrus belong? Rutaceae
What are some characteristics of the Jimson weed? Spiral aestivation of corolla
What are some characteristics of Tagetes erecta? What's the family and common name? doubled radiate flower head with extra ray flowers; Asteraceae; Garden Marigold.
What are the characteristics of a daffodil? Corona is petaloid outgrowth of floral tube
What are the characteristics of Chicorium intybus? Which flower (common name) does it share a family with? liguliflorous head; Sunflower
Which family is Forcythia in? Oleaceae
What are the characteristics of the Thistle? What's it genus name? discoid head with spine-tipped phyllaries and disk flowers; Cirsium
What do both the genus and family name of the waterlily have in common? Nymph


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