Enzyme Action


These are my 'Enzyme action' flashcards. They are based on my '1.7 Enzyme Action' mind map which can be found here: https://www.goconqr.com/en-GB/p/4964018
Bee Brittain
FlashCards por Bee Brittain, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Bee Brittain
Criado por Bee Brittain quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are enzymes used as? Biological Catalysts
Enzymes works like catalysts. What does a catalyst do? Lower the activation energy of a reaction
Enzymes ______ the activation energy, this means that enzyme reactions can take place at a _______ temperature. This means there is a __________ rate of reaction. Enzymes LOWER the activation energy, this means that enzyme reactions can take place at a LOWER/COOLER temperature. This means there is a FASTER rate of reaction
What is formed when a substrate fits into an enzymes active site? Enzyme-Substrate complex
Describe the Lock and Key Model The lock and key model was where each enzyme has a specifically shaped active site, and so only one shape of substrate would fit perfectly, like a key in a lock
Describe the Induced fit model In the induced fit model, the substrate doesn't have to perfectly match the shape of the enzymes active site. When the substrate gets near the enzyme, the enzymes active site changes shape so the substrate can interact with it. The enzyme can then 'mould' itself around the substrate = very specific.
In the induced fit model, the enzyme molds around the substrate, putting strain on it, what does this achieve? Putting strain on the substrate distorts a particular bond or bonds in the substrate and consequently lowers the activation energy needed to break the bond
Complete the sentence: Enzyme properties relate to their.... Tertiary Structure
If the tertiary structure of an enzyme is changed, what will this consequently change and what does this mean about the rate of reaction? The shape of the enzyme and its active site. This means the substrate won't fit into the changed active site, so therefore no enzyme-substrate complexes will be formed. This in turn, means the rate of reaction will decrease.
Name two factors that could change the tertiary structure of an enzyme 1) Temperature 2) pH
Draw a graph/enthalpy diagram showing how using an enzyme as a biological catalyst reduces the activation energy in an reaction


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