Social Class is a strong influence on Voting Behaviou?


Modern Studies FlashCards sobre Social Class is a strong influence on Voting Behaviou?, criado por MiniCooper em 18-04-2013.
FlashCards por MiniCooper, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por MiniCooper mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
YES There is stil a strong link between class and who you vote for : working class vote Labour and middle class vote Conservative. NO Middle Class has grown in size. In 2005 25% of voters fell into the top AB social class. All major parties now compete for the middle ground therefore class is not as important as it used to be to political parties
YES 2012 general election showed that class remains a key influence : AB voters 39% voted Cons 26% voted Lab whereas DE voters 31% voted Cons and 40% voted Lab NO Political parties tend to ignore safe seats and try to win marginal constituencies regardless of the lass of people. The electoral system claims 382 of 650 seats are so safe any voted for them are wasted (opposing votes)
YES In the past parties could rely on a hard vote due to party loyalty this is not as reliable now as in the past. NO Under FPTP parties are encouraged to ignore safe seats and win over floating voters in marginal constituencies.
YES Social class as an influence is not alone : media,geography and education all affect how we vote. NO *blank*
YES Class remains important as it is linked to geographical area : rich people live next to rich people and poor people can only afford to live next to poor people. Richmond Yorkshire - safe,cons,mc NE Glasgow - safe,lab,wc NO Class Dealignment has been a feature of many recent elections : a) The Scottish factor - wc & affluent constituencies vote Labour. In 2010 they won East Renfrewshire ; Cons only won 1 seat in the whole of Scotland. b) Social class in Scotland - A feature of the 2011 Scottish elections was the scale of Labours defeat in traditional working class heartlands ; Frank McAveety, Shettleson lost seat c) 2011 Lab vote increased most in affluent Eastwood 9.7%
YES Gap between rich and poor has grown in health,education,crime,housing and many other areas. Why should social class be any different? NO * blank *


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