Pernicious Anaemia


Patho, evaluation and treatment of
Mark George
FlashCards por Mark George, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Mark George
Criado por Mark George mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Pernicious anaemia Patho Lack of IF (Intrinsic Factor) IF secreted by gastric parietal cells Loss of parietal cells-> IF deficiency -> B12 deficiency -> PA
IF Intrinsic Factor enzyme responsible for absorption of dietary B12
Deficiency in IF secretion Cause? 1. Congenital 2. Gastric mucosal atrophy - chronic gastritis type A (autoimmune) 3. Strict vegan diet (B12 comes from animal sources)
PA evaluation 1. blood test & BM aspiration 2. Schilling test = urinary excretion of B12 3. serologic studies = parietal cells & IF antibodies 4. gastric biopsy = lack of HCI
PA treatment 1. B12 replacement by injection or 2. Oral admin in larger doses 3. fatal if untreated (cardiac failure)


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