
FlashCards sobre VOCABULARY, criado por Miguel Angel Sanchez em 03-04-2016.
Miguel Angel Sanchez
FlashCards por Miguel Angel Sanchez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Miguel Angel Sanchez
Criado por Miguel Angel Sanchez mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
DIVERSITY The term diversity refers to the difference or the distinction between people, animals or things, to the variety, to infinity or to the abundance of different things, dissimilarity, the disparity or multiplicity.
PLURALISM Fact coexist a plurality of political, economic or other part of an association, a community or a society trends.
EXCLUSION Action exclude. Effect of excluding.
ASSIMILATION integration process of ethno-cultural group (such as immigrants, ethnic minorities or other groups) to a greater or dominant community.
STEREOTYPES It is exaggerated and with few details, simplified perception, you have about a person or group of people who share certain characteristics, qualities and abilities, and seeking to "justify or rationalize certain conduct in relation to certain social category"
PREJUDICE Cause material or moral harm to a person or thing.
HOSTILE With her attitude or actions otherwise shows a person or thing or enemy of them.
VANDALISM Attitude or inclination to commit destructive acts against public property without regard to others.
ARSON The arson is a crime that ordinarily defined in the law as unlawful criminal damage or destruction of property by fire or explosion.
PHYSICAL Physical or related to it. The human body, as opposed to mental, spiritual or moral, or related to it.
VIOLENCE Use of force to an end, especially to dominate someone or impose something.
HUNGER Need or desire to eat. widespread shortages of basic foodstuffs suffering a population of intense and prolonged.
HOMELESSNESS Lack of minimum financial resources to live.
GHETTOS It is a separate housing of a particular ethnic, cultural or religious group voluntarily or involuntarily, in greater or lesser confinement area.
APARTHEID was the system of racial segregation in South Africa and Namibia, then part of South Africa in force until 1992. It was so named because it means "separation" in Afrikaans (derived from the Germanic language spoken mainly in South Africa and Namibia Dutch.)
SUBCULTURE minority culture or considered inferior or minor.
PROTEST Protest action. Document, act or set of words with that protest.
REGIME Set of rules or origin rules regulating certain thing. Form of government by which a country is governed.
SEGREGATION Action or effect of segregating.
TYRANNY Form of government in which the ruler has a total or absolute power, not limited by laws, especially when obtained by illicit means, and abused him. Abuse of superiority or power in dealing with others.
BOYCOTT Prevent or disrupt the normal development of a process or an act in protest or as a means of pressure to get something.
TREASON Foul committed by a person who does not keep his word or that has no due fidelity.
REVOLUTION is a fundamental change in political power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time when the population rises up in revolt against the current authorities.
RECONCILIATION is conceptualized as the methods and processes involved in facilitating the peaceful ending of conflict and retribution.
CHURCH is a building used for religious activities, particularly worship services. The term in its architectural sense is most often used by Christians to refer to their religious buildings; they can be used by other religions.
SYNAGOGUE is a Jewish house of prayer.
MOSQUE is a place of worship for followers of Islam.


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