Sports words


places equipment expressions
FlashCards por juuuuuules, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por juuuuuules mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
bridle path I took my horse for a ride on the ...
saddle The ...for my horse is really heavy. Can you help me put it on?
half-pipe Let's take our skateboards to the --- and do some tricks.
gym the place where you do sports indoors
pool I take swimming and diving classes at the local ...
pitch the rectangle that you play football on
match when two sports teams play against each other, they have a match
swimsuit Girls wear a_________when they go swimming
swimming trunks Boys wear ____________ when they go swimming
helmet something you put on your head to protect it in case you fall of your bike
pads something you put on your elbows and knees ( or on your shoulders) to protect them in case you fall
table tennis bat the thing you use to hit the ball when you play table tennis
badminton racket the thing you use to hit the ball when you play badminton
trainers shoes for when you do sports
leotard something that dancers and gymnasts wear. It does not cover your legs or your arms.
player person who plays a sport like football or basketball
at half-time after half a match is played, there is a break before the second half
a draw You have a draw when two teams have the same number of points or goals in a match
running track the place on a sports field where you do your running. It is often made of red plastic.
ski slope the path down a mountain that you use to ski. Like a "road for skiing"


Orgão Coração Humano
Alessandra S.
AFO - Administração Financeira Orçamentária
Projeto Med 2015: História e Geografia_2
Gleisson Bissoli
Oscilações, ondas, óptica e radiação
Sem Parar
Behaviorismo - Skinner
Suliane Makelry
Química - Introdução
Carine Campos
Revolução Russa
Daniel Lima
Memória Computacional
Filipe Gabriel
Sistema nervoso
João Victor
Contextualização da disciplina - Desenvolvimento Humano e Social - Saúde
Emmanuela Pimenta