BE Unit 17


Business English
Aari Juhanson
FlashCards por Aari Juhanson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Aari Juhanson
Criado por Aari Juhanson mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
raw material – tooraine, toormaterjal John needs more raw material to produce yoghurt.
work-in-progress – lõpetamata toodang Work in progress (WIP) refers to material that has entered the production process but is not yet a finished product.
in-house – ettevõttesisene We have an in-house training center.
late delivery – hilinenud saadetis / kohaletoimetamine No factory likes to have a late delivery.
in advance – ette, eelnevalt Let me know in advance if you are coming to my party.
delays in sth – viivitused mlski I'm afraid there may be delays in mail delivery this week.
cut back on sth - vähendama I'm afraid we must cut back on using so much sugar in our products.
subcontracting/outsourcing – alltöövõtt, allhange I do a lot of outsourcing for bigger construction companies. I build wooden staircases.
knowledge (sg.!) – teadmised Do we have enough knowledge of this? :)
keep sth in stock – mdgi laos / valikus / sortimendis hoidma I'm sorry but we don't keep that many chairs in stock, but we will order some for you.


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