Classics 102 - Legend of Prometheus


Chemistry 101 Classics 102 FlashCards sobre Classics 102 - Legend of Prometheus, criado por jennabarnes12387 em 25-01-2014.
FlashCards por jennabarnes12387, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jennabarnes12387 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Prometheus was the son of? brother of? Iapetos. Epimethius, Atlas, and Meontoitos
Describe Prometheus' traits? a trickster god. Brilliant, shifty, a rational think. thinks ahead and sometimes sees the future.
What was the first stage that led to Zeus being angry as Prometheus and punishing man? kind Prometheus tried to trick Zeus by taking one good offereing and one offering stuffed with bones and icky things and offered them to Zeus. the icky one looked bigger. in some versions Zeus knew and only played along. In others he actually was tricked. Zeus got and angry and, since Prometheus had made man, he punished men by taking away fire
How did Prometheus retaliate after Zeus took away fire? He stole it back, hid it in a hollow fennel stock, and gave it back to men
Zeus was angry at Prometheus for giving fire back to man. How did he punish Prometheus and mankind He had Prometheus chained to a rock away from people, and creates Pandora to doom man
Who is Pandora? Pandora was made by from earth and clay by Hepesaestus She was the first woman. She was modest and beautiful. Hermes gave her sly manners, the morals of a dog, cunning ways, persuasuve words, and lies. Aphrodite gives her lust and desire. Athena gives her the adornments of a bride and teaches her to weave. She was meant to bring all bad things into the world to punish man on Prometheus' behalf
Who was Pandora brought to? Why was this a problem? She was brought to Prometheus' brother Epimethius. He is a great fool and accepted her into his home even though his brother warned him not to accept anything from Zeus.
After Epimethius accepted Pandora, what did she do? she opened her cask, a pottery jar with a lid, and released pain and disease into the world
What was Pandora a good and a bad thing? she brought bad things into the world but she would be the mother of all of mankind, the giver of life
How Pandora represent the greek veiw on woman? seen as liars and deceitful cheats. Were not treated as equals in society
What this this myth explain? why ox bones are burned on alters, in remembrance of Prometheus' trick, Why men are separated from the gods, and why men see woman the way they do


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