

Definition of psychopathology
Pip Mooney
FlashCards por Pip Mooney, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Pip Mooney
Criado por Pip Mooney quase 9 anos atrás

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Cultural relativism View that behaviour cannot be judged properly unless it is in their own culture
Deviation from social norms Abnormal behaviour is seen as a deviation from unstated rules about how one 'ought' to behave. Anything that violates these rules its considered abnormal
Statistical infrequency Abnormality is behaviours that are extremely rare.
DSM A list of disorder that is used to diagnose them.
Deviation from ideal mental health Ideal mental health would include positive attitude towards the self, resistance to stress and an accurate perception of reality
Failure to function adequately If they can't go about their daily life normall and also experience distress, it's considered a sign of abnormality
Depression Mood disorder, individual feels sad or lacks interest in usual activity (or irrational negative thoughts, raised/lowered activity levels and difficulties with concentration, sleep and eating)
OCD Disorder where anxiety comes from obsessions (persistent thoughts) and compulsions (repeated behaviour).
Phobias Mental disorders characterised by high levels of anxiety in response to a particular stimulus
Classical conditioning Learning through association
Operant conditioning Learning through reinforcement or punishment
Two-process model Theory to explain the development of phobias. Begin with CC and maintain with OC
Flooding Type if therapy to treat phobias, extreme form of stimuli under relaxed conditions
Systematic desensitation Therapy for Phobias Gradually exposed
ABC Model Cognitive approach for understanding mental disorders
Negative Triad Cognitive approach to understanding depression
Mustabatory thinking Thinking that certain things must be true in order for the individual to be happy
Schema Cognitive framework, helps interpret information from the brain
Cognitive-behavioural therapy Mix of cognitive and behavioural therapy
Irrational thoughts Are rigid and unrealistic, they lack internal consistency
Concordance rate Measure of genetic similarities
Dopamine Neurotransmitter in brain, effects motivation and drive
GABA Neurotransmitter that regulates excitement
Noradenaline Neurotransmitter involving governing autonomic nervous system
Serotonin Neurotransmitter implicating many different behaviours and processes


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