Problems for Weimar Republic 1919-1923


FlashCards sobre Problems for Weimar Republic 1919-1923, criado por lilywinniflood em 29-01-2014.
FlashCards por lilywinniflood, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por lilywinniflood mais de 10 anos atrás

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KAPP PUTSCH MARCH 1920 This occured in March 1920, it was lead by Wolfgang Kapp and Wather Von Luttwitz.This was supported by parts of the Reichswehr (military) and other conservative and nationalistic forces
SPARTICIST REVOLT JANUARY 1919 In January 1919, the Communists rose up in revolt in Berlin. This was unsuccessful, this was because Ebert withdrew his government to the safety of Weimar and allowed the Freikorps and what remained of the regular army to bring peace and stability back to Berlin. No mercy was shown to the Spartacists/Communists whose leaders were murdered after being arrested. The Freikorps was better organised and armed - they also had a military background. The majority of the Spartacists were civilians.
MUNICH PUTSCH NOVEMBER 1923 8 November 1923, Hitler and 600 storm troopers burst into a meeting that Kahr and Lossow were holding at the local Beer Hall. Waving a gun at them, Hitler forced them to agree to rebel. Kahr had called in police and army reinforcements. There was a short scuffle in which the police killed 16 Nazis. Hitler fled but was arrested 2 days later.
TREATY OF VERSAILLES 28th June 1919 This was peace settlement signed after World War One had ended in 1918 and in the shadow of the Russian Revolution and other events in Russia. All of Germany's colonies went to France and Britain. Their army and navy were restricted and they were not allowed an airforce. They were forbidden from uniting with Austria or joining the League of Nations The Rhineland, on the border between Germany and France, had to be de-militarized.
1923 The Weimar government's main crisis occurred in 1923, when the Germans failed to make a reparations payment on time, which set off a train of events that included: a French invasion of the Ruhr a general strike runaway inflation - hyperinflation a number of communist rebellions an attempted Nazi putsch in Munich
VIOLENCE IN THE WEIMAR REPUBLIC n Jan 1919, 50,000 Spartacists rebelled in Berlin, led by the Communists Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Leibknecht. In 1919, communist workers' councils seized power all over Germany, and a Communist People's Government took power in Bavaria. March 1920, the right-wing nationalist Dr Wolfgang Kapp took over Berlin. The army refused to attack him; he was only defeated when the workers of Berlin went on strike. In 1920, after the failure of the Kapp Putsch, a Communist paramilitary group called the Red Army rebelled in the Ruhr. Nationalist terrorists assassinated 356 government politicians, including Walter Rathenau, the foreign minister, and Matthias Erzberger who had been finance minister. The judges, many of whom preferred the Kaiser's government, consistently gave these terrorists light sentences, or let them go free.


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