Phrasal Verbs Part 1


First Certificate Englisch FlashCards sobre Phrasal Verbs Part 1, criado por Chiara Braun em 02-05-2016.
Chiara Braun
FlashCards por Chiara Braun, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Chiara Braun
Criado por Chiara Braun aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
act up behave or function improperly
add up calculate a sum
add up to equal an amount
add up make sense
ask out invite on a date
ask over invite to one's home
back down stop defending your opinion in a debate
back out not keep (a promise, agreement,deal)
back out of not keep (a promise, agreement, deal)
back up give support
back up move backwards, reverse
bawl out criticize, reprimand (inf.)
bear down on bite
bear down on take strong measures against
bear on have to do with
bear up withstand
bear up under withstand
bear with be patient
blow in visit unexpectedly
blow over pass without creating a problem
blow up make explode; destroy using explosives
blow up explode
blow up suddenly become very angry
break down analyze in detail
break down stop working properly
break down become mentally ill
break in wear or use something new until it is comfortable
break in interrupt
break in enter a place unlawfully
break in on interrupt (a conversation)
break into enter a house unlawfully
break into interrupt (a conversation)
break off end something
break out appear violently
break out use something extravagant for celebration
break out of escape
break up break into pieces
break up disperse (a crowd), stop (a fight)
break up end a relationship
bring about cause to happen
bring along bring with
bring around change someone's mind, convince someone
bring away learn or gain (from an experience)
bring off succeed at something difficult or unexpected
bring on cause something
bring out highlight, stress
bring over bring to someone's house
bring to revive consciousness
bring up mention
bring up raise ( a child)
brush off ignore something or someone (inf.)
burn down destroy by setting fire to
burn down burn until completely gone (building)
burn up be hot
burn up consume by fire
burn up destroy by fire
buy out buy the shares of a company or the shares the other person owns of a business
buy up purchase the entire supply of something
call for require (as in a recipe)
call off cancel something
call off order to stop (an invasion, guard dogs)
call on visit
call on invite someone to speak in a meeting or a classroom
call up telephone
calm down make someone relax
care for nurse someone or something
care for like someone or something
carry on continue (a conversation, a game)
carry on about continue in an annoying way
carry on with continue
carry out complete and/or accomplish something
carry over continue on a subsequent day, page, etc.
catch on slowly start to understand (inf.)
catch up make up for lost time
catch up with speed up to be at the same place as a person or thing in front of you
catch up on become up-to-date
check back return to see if everything is OK
check by go to a place to see if everything is OK
check for try to find
check in enter a hospital, hotel etc.
check into enter a hospital, hotel etc.
check into investigate, look for (often through a service)
check off make a mark next to (an item on a list)
check on make sure something is OK
check out investigate, take a look at
check out leave a hotel, hospital
check out of leave a hotel, hospital
check over closely examine the condition of something
check up on investigate someone or something
check through send luggage through (to a destination)
check with ask a person for confirmation
cheer up make someone feel cheerful
cheer up become cheerful
chew up chew into small pieces
chop down fell/cut ( a tree)
chop up chop/cut into small bits
clean up tidy
clear out leave ( inf.)
clear up tidy
close down close a place permanently
close down close permanently
close in on approach and threaten
close up close temporarily
close up close temporarily
come about occur / happen
come across discover by accident
come across initially seem or have the appearance
come along accompany someone
come along with accompany
come along progress
come along with progress
come away leave a place with a particular feeling or impression
come back return
come by get, receive
come by visit a person at their house
come down with become sick with
come into inherit
come off fall off, break off
come out appear
come out reveal you are homosexual
come out turn out, end up
come out with produce and distribute a product
come over visit someone at their house
come to regain consciousness
come through do what is needed or expected
come up to approach; to equal
come up with produce or create (an idea, a plan)
come with include (an accessory)
count in include
count on depend/rely on
count out exclude
count up add
crack down on become tougher on, better enforce laws on
crack up laugh uncontrollably, laugh a lot
crack up at laugh uncontrollably about, laugh a lot about
cross out draw a line through something, eliminate
cut down decrease the amount of
cut down on decrease the amount of
cut in interrupt
cut in on interrupt
cut off interrupt someone while they were speaking
cut off sever ( with a knife)
cut out remove
cut out stop an action
cut up cut into small pieces


must, had to, mustn't oder don't need to
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