Ancient egypt unit 3 HASAN .L


FlashCards sobre Ancient egypt unit 3 HASAN .L, criado por South Paw H.L #1 em 04-05-2016.
South Paw H.L #1
FlashCards por South Paw H.L #1, atualizado more than 1 year ago
South Paw H.L #1
Criado por South Paw H.L #1 aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
How much is Pharaoh Tutankhamen gold funerary mask worth in gold scrap ? ABOUT $1 000 000
How much is Pharaoh Tutankhamen gold funerary mask worth as a work of art? unlimited sum
what were one of the symbols that shows the power of the pharaoh? a false beard made of goats hair to show his manly power, which came from the god Osiris.
What was another symbol? a shepherd crook called a 'Heka' which he held in one hand which symbolises magic and the pharaoh guardianship
What was the meaning of 'Heka'? =ruler
What was another symbol? a whip called 'nekhata'
What was the meaning of 'nekhata' ? absolute power over his subjects
What was another symbol? an apron called 'shemset' which had a bull hanging from the back of the belt.
What was the meaning of 'shemset'? the representation of the pharaoh strength
what was the last symbol? a crown/ the pharaoh could wear a number of crowns depending on the ceremony
what was the double crown or (pschent) showed his rule over upper and lower egypt
what was the nemes crown It was more a headdress than a crown
What was the blue crown or war crown or (khepresh) it was a tall headdress made of blue cloth or leather decorated with gold discs. often worn at wars or even ceremonies
who built the great pyramid at Giza and why? It was Khufu ,because he forced the people of Egypt to work on his pyramid ,which became known as the GREAT PYRAMID AT GIZA
Were women allowed to become pharaoh and who did? NO and
What is the meaning of regent? (a regent is is a person who governs a kingdom when the monarch cannot do so because he or she are too young)
How did she manage it???? Hatshepsut became royal when she married Thutmose 11. When he died she became much more powerful as a regent for the boy pharaoh Thutmose 111. Thutmose was only eight years old when he came to throne
What did she do to hold on to the power? Hatshepsut was worried the Thutmose the third is getting older so she set one scheme and it was to have an oracle announce that ammun-ra ,the highest of the gods, said that she was to be pharaoh. at that time everyone believed what ammun-ra said.
what was another scheme another old custom was revived when two kings as a joint ruler and eventually Thutmose and Hatshepsut became pharaoh while she was actually doing the real ruling.
what did she have to become to be a pharaoh? Hatshepsut played a male role very thoroughly. She gave up queen and called herself pharaoh. she even dressed like a male with a beard and such. Hatshepsut did things that only pharaohs were allowed to do! =made sacrifices to the god personally, and made sculptures of herself.
what did the scribes do? the scribes were completely lost and confused because a female acting like a male so they put her down as male and female (both genders)


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