Criado por Amaal Salhieh
quase 9 anos atrás
Questão | Responda |
MOMP | MOM P has chlamydia |
#1 cause of blindness (Be specific) | Chlamydia trachomatis Serovars A, B, C |
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis is associated with... | C. trachomatis & N. gonorrhoeae |
What is Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome? | bacteria escaping thru fallopian tube, causing perihepatitis |
Reiter Syndrome | reactive arthritis 80% of men with reactive arthritis have C. trachomatis |
Lymphogranuloma Venerum cause (be specific) | C. trachomatis Serovars L1-L3 |
C. trachomatis is neonates | neonatal conjunctivitis purulent discharge, eyelid swelling, conjunctival scarring may develop c. trachomatis pneumonia |
Staccato cough is associated with... | infant pneumonia (2-3 weeks of age) due to chlamydia trachomatis |
C. trachomatis Diagnosis | NAAT Antigen Detection - MOMP or LPS |
C. trachomatis Treatment | For uncomplicated.. Azithromycin (1000 mg) x1 or Doxycycline x7 days Probably should give ceftriaxone in case of gonorrhae |
N. gonorrhoeae micro | Aerobic, gram negative cocci Oxidase positive Can't grow on blood Grows on chocolate with 5% CO2 "When you're GONorrhoeae, I need air, and I have to eat a lot of chocolate. & I can't help but hyperventilate" |
N. gonorrhoeae Virulence Factors | PPOL Pili - to attach to nonciliated epithelium PorB - prevents phagolysosome fusion Opa - mediates attachment to host cells LOS - Lipd A & core oligo (lacks O-antigen) "Opaaaaa! I attached to the host" (insert Greek accent) |
Clinical Man. of Clap in men | Symptomatic acute urethritis |
Clinical Man. of Clap in Women | Most asymptomatic Cervicitis, Urethritis, PID, Fitz-Hugh |
Prophylactic ointment for neonates to prevent opthalmia neonatrium | erythromycin ointment |
N. gonorrhoeae Diagnosis | NAAT Culture for susceptibility Microscopy - PMN with IC gram neg diplococci |
N. gonorrhoeae Treatment | Ceftriaxone Cover Co-infection with Azithromycin |
Treponoma pallidum Micro | Spirochete w/ polar flagella at each end Need to use darkfield microscopy |
Syphilis Phase 1 | Site of infection (chancre) painless ulcer |
Syphilis Phase 2 | Disseminated disease Rash Lymphadenopathy Condyloma latum (raised gray lesions in mucous membranes) Neurosyphilis (asymptomatic) |
Syphilis Late Phase | Involvement of multiple sites Neurosyphilis Aortitis Gummas Such a NAG |
Argyll-Robertson pupil | Accomodation, but no pupil reflex to light Syphilis Due to Tabes dorsalis |
Congenital syphilis | Hepatomegaly and jaundice Snuffles Lymphadenopathy Hutchinson Teeth Saber shins |
List the nontreponemal tests | Antibodies to caridolipins VDRL RPR |
List the Treponemal Tests | Antibodies to specific treponemal antigens FTA-ABS (Ab-Absorption) TP-PA (particle agglutination) TP-EIA |
Syphilis Treatment | Penicillin "Syft through the box of Pencils" Alternatives: Doxy or Azith (like in chlamydia) Only penicillin can be used for neurosyph!! |
Jarish-Herxheimer Reaction | Febrile Rxn w. headache, myalgias after taking penicillin Syphilis |
Chancroid micro | aka Haemophilus ducreyi gram neg coccobacilli Can grow on specialized agar (Hb, Abx) |
Chancroid Clinical Man. | 5-10d incubation Tender erythematous papule-->pustule-->ulcer Inguinal lymphadenopathy |
Chancroid Diagnosis | Culture ulcer base Requires specialized media |
Chancroid Treatment | Macrolide or Ceftriaxone (just 1 does of either) People Chanc (shank) people because they macroLIDE or tried to kill them with an cefetriAXone) |
Granuloma inguinale | aka Klebsiella granulomatis aka Donovanosis South America, Caribbean, India, Australia |
Granuloma inguinale Clinical Man. | Subcutaneious genital nodules or inguinal area Typically lacks inguinal lymphadenopathy |
Granuloma inguinale Diagnosis | Tissue sample for Donovan bodies to see bacteria in phagocytes |
Granuloma inguinale Treatment | Azithromycin Granny gives no aZITHromycin about you. She does what she wants, shows up and gives you a beefy-red ulcer. |
HSV Pathogeneisis | Binds to heparan sulate Replicates in epithelial cells and causes lytic infection at site Establishes latency in neurons Blocks TAP protein and goes cell2cell |
Oral herpes | HSV-1 or 2 ginviovostomatitis - oral lesions can have pharyngitis |
Encephalitis with HSV | involves temporal lobe with RBCs in CSF any age can develop this fever, headache, seizures, focal neurologic signs |
HSV Diagnosis | PCR Viral culture of vesicular fluid DFA Serology (for primary) Biopsy (3 Ms- margination, molding, multinucleation) |
HSV Treatment | nucleoside analogues that inhibit viral DNA polymerase Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Penciclovir, Famciclovir *Substrate for DNA polymerase |
HPV micro | naked dsDNA |
Cutaneous Warts Treatment | Imiquimod or interferone Topical Cidofovir |
Trichomoniasis Treatment | Metronidazole Get that TRICHomoniasis off the Metro |
pHs with vulvovaginitis | Trichomoniasis - >4.5 Candida - pH normal (4 - 4.5) |
Candida Vulvovaginitis Treatment | Nystatin or azoles Candy is Nasty and an Az-hole |
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment | Metronidazole Get the girl with the "fishy odor" off the Metro (along with that TRICH) |
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