Evaluation Therapies (D.A.R.I.S) Psychology AS WJEC


Psychology WJEC AS preparation for Summer 2016 exam Evaluation therapies using DARIS method: Determinism, Aim of Therapy, Reductionism, Nature vs Nurture & Scientific approach.
Obri Gonzalez
FlashCards por Obri Gonzalez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Obri Gonzalez
Criado por Obri Gonzalez aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
Biological Determinism or Free Will Know what predetermine our behaviour, we are more likely to be able to treat people with abnormal behaviour. Our behaviour determined by biological factors: Evolutionary Influences, Localisation Brain Function & Neurotransmitters
Biological Aim of Therapy Psychosurgery Surgically alter brain in order to treat psychologically disturbed behaviours. This could be done by destroying sections between different areas of brain.
Biological Reductionism? Yes, reducing complex phenomenon to set of simple set of variables, offering possibility of identifying CAUSE & EFFECT. E.g: psychological problems can be treated like a disease & so are often treatable with drugs.
Biological Internal or External NATURE rather than nurture. Mental illness has multiple causes yet biological approach focuses on nature, ignoring life experiences & psychological factors. Treatment concerned w/ adjusting abnormal biological systems; rather than talking to patient about feelings.
Biological Scientific? Behaviour explained through neurotransmitters & localisation of brain functions (Biological System) E.g: scientific evidence of successful therapeutic conduct, objective & well-controlled studies. Lends itself to scientific research that can support biological explanations.
Behaviourist Determinism or Free Will Determinist as NOT consider thought processes that occur before we behave in certain ways & suggest we are not making a choice when we behave. Behaviour influenced by association of environmental stimuli or reward/punishment. NOT believe on Free Will
Behaviourist Aim of Therapy Systematic Desensitisation Extinguish maladaptive behaviours (phobias & Anxiety disorders) through counter-conditioning where the client is de conditioned. Maladaptive behaviours are replaced w/ new leant adaptive behaviour.
Behaviourist Reductionism? It's reductionist, reducing complex phenomenon to a set of simple set of variables, offering possibility of CAUSE & EFFECT. E.g: Skinner explains all behaviour as being a result of past learning. Being reduced to simple stimulus & response relationship.
Behaviourist Internal or External Nature vs Nurture Debate Focuses exclusively on surrounding environments as means of shaping behaviour. The role of nature = ignored. E.g: Behaviourists NOT consider how genetic make-up could influence personality & behaviour. Forgets behaviour governed by internal factors = Motivation, Emotion
Behaviourist Scientific? Study behaviour that's observable & directly measurable. Scientific method analyse, quantify & compare behaviour. Advantage enables to distinguish beliefs from real facts.
Positive Determinism or Free Will They believe we have Free Will, as based on notion of individual are neither pre-determined nor restricted. Have personal freedom to grow & develop natural signature strength & virtues. E.g: Integrity, Morality
Positive Aim of Therapy Mindfulness Gain control over your own mind by paying attention to & increasing awareness of present thoughts, emotions & feelings.
Positive Reductionism? Explaining complex terms which someone can become happy through 24 human strengths w/ 10 criterion. More complex to explain happiness. E.g: Deduct simple conclusion that people are born to be happy & have no control over individual sense of well-being.
Positive Internal or External Nature vs Nurture Debate Happiness gene; levels of happiness strongly influenced by genes. E.g: Research 900 pairs twins concluded different traits are influenced 50% genetic factors. Happiness equally achieved & enhanced by certain choices & lifestyles; things that make us happy.
Positive Scientific? Diener aims create happiness testable by various meta-analysis & conducting research around western countries. Objection=Can't find & generalise findings on something subjective such as happiness.
Cognitive Determinism or Free Will Determinism as all behaviour is explained through thought processes. It's soft determinism as they also believe of Free Will as we control our own thoughts, but does not take into account genetic factors. E.g: Hereditary correlations of mental disorders.
Cognitive Aim of Therapy Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) Change irrational thoughts caused by emotional distress into thoughts that are more reasonable and rational.
Cognitive Reductionism? Yes, aim to use the principle of machine processing (computer analogy). Analogy of machine systems w/ simple components of software, describe & explain behaviour. Computer innovations described as holistic as networks behave differently.
Cognitive Internal or External Nature vs Nurture Debate Nature: Processes within mind. Nurture: Role of experience info schema FAILS to consider important elements of Na vs Nu debate. E.g: Role of genes in human cognition=ignored, YET research into intelligence looks @ influence genes by Twin studies.
Cognitive Scientific? Yes, objective & controlled scientific research. E.g: memory research conducted under strict Lab. Conditions + Brain Scans "Cognitive Neuroscience"=Pinpoint cognitive processes - exact responsibility of different brain parts.
Psychodynamic Determinism or Free Will Determinism as all behaviour can be explained through oppressed childhood memories. NO Free Will in who we become or how we behave. Behaviour + Personality shaped by forces we have NO control.
Psychodynamic Aim of Therapy Dream Analysis Provide client with insight into how the conflicts of the unconscious are related to present day problems. Insight will help client understand cause of these conflicts so they can be resolved & client cured of disorder.
Psychodynamic Reductionism? It relies on a basic set of structures that attempt to simplify a very complex picture. E.g: I'd, Ego, Superego & Unconscious. Other hand; Freud used idiographic techniques, i.e case studies "Little Hans" individual interviews. Aim: preserve richness experience NOT simplify.
Psychodynamic Internal or External Nature vs Nurture Debate Interactionalistic Approach Adult personality = Product of Innate Drives (nature) % Childhood Experiences (nurture) Nature: Id, instinctual Eros=life drive Thanatos=death driven motive Nurture: Psychosexual stages Frustration/Over Indulgence
Psychodynamic Scientific? Difficult to generate testable hypotheses for Freud's theory of personality. E.g: Relationship between guilt & wrong doing, predicted inverse relationship & Mackinnon (1938): Individuals who cheated @ task=expressed less guilt when questioned about life, compared to those who didn't.


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