Factors affecting eyewitness testimony: Anxiety


my flashcards on the factors affection eyewitness testimony
Elise Lambert
FlashCards por Elise Lambert, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Elise Lambert
Criado por Elise Lambert quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Who said anxiety has a negative effect on recall? Johnson and Scott
What was the procedure in Johnson and Scott's study? 'Low anxiety' - sat in a waiting room, heard an argument and saw a man walk out of the room with a pen in his hand 'high anxiety' - heard an argument, heard glass smashing, saw a man walk out of the room with a knife and blood on his hands
What were the results? 49% of the pen version were able to pick the man out of 50 photos only 33% in the knife version could
What is the tunnel theory? Argues that the witness's attention narrows to focus on the weapon, because it's the source of anxiety
Who said that anxiety had a positive affect on Recall? Yuille and Cutshall
What was the procedure? Studied a shooting in a candian gun shop. 13 participants agreed to take part. Interviews were held 4-5 months after the incident and compared to the original interviews. They were also asked to rate how stressed they were at the time of the accident.
What were the findings? those that reported feeling the most anxious were the most accurate. 88%
How can we explain this contradiction? Yerkes-Dodson Law
What is a limitation of Johnson and Scott's research? They may have been testing the suprisement levels of the participants as opposed to the anxiety levels- with tunnel theory
What is a limitation of Yuille and Cutshall's research? Field experiments lack control because there are a number of extraneous variables.
What is a limitation of research into anxiety? It can potentially subject people to psychological harm.


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