Global Warming


About global warming
Naddine Rose Bañ
FlashCards por Naddine Rose Bañ, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Naddine Rose Bañ
Criado por Naddine Rose Bañ aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
A major threat to global stability. GLOBAL WARMING
Thick blanket around Earth hot gases from vehicles, power plants, decaying matter from excessive piled garbage, etc.
causative agents of many human and animal diseases such as influenza HIV Viruses
year of the discovery of viruses 1886
The scientist who looked for the cause of the tobacco mosaic disease and discovered viruses. Adolf Mayer
Nationality of Adolf Mayer German
The microscope allowing viruses to be observed and studied. Electron Microscope


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