ICT revision of all subjects


flash card covering the whole syllabus.
FlashCards por kimmy, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por kimmy mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
word processing Create and edit text files. replaces all typewriter functions. Some programs provide rudimentary desktop publishing.
Database Create and edit data records. interactive editing of data. Ask questions, summarize, sort and print reports.
Spreadsheet create and edit rows and columns of numbers for budgets and financials and "what if" analysis. Multidimensional spreadsheets provide different slices, or views, of data quickly. Advanced financial planning systems provide goal seeking as well as statistical calculations.
Presentation graphics Create slide shows, do free hand drawing and turn numbers into 2-D and 3-D business graphics


Literatura Brasileira
Alessandra S.
Os processos de gestão de pessoas
Conceitos de Contabilidade
Alessandra S.
Simulado Biologia
Marina Faria
Direito Processual Civil
Joelma Silva
Aprenda português brincando
Luís Fernando Olivei
Fisiologia Humana
Felipe Penha
Crise da República e a ruptura de 1930
jacson luft
Thamy Procopio
Instrumentação Cirúrgica
Lia Argenton