Elizabeth I ♡


1 History ♡ FlashCards sobre Elizabeth I ♡, criado por lauren ♥ em 21-05-2016.
lauren ♥
FlashCards por lauren ♥, atualizado more than 1 year ago
lauren ♥
Criado por lauren ♥ mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
When did Elizabeth come to power ? ♡ 1558 ♡
How did Elizabeth solve religious tension ? ♡ She followed a middle way which meant which allowed Catholics & Puritans to follow there private beliefs as long as they went to the Church of England in public ♡
Why did Elizabeth execute Mary queen of Scots in 1587 ? ♡ She saw her as a threat to the throne ♡
When did Elizabeth reign ? ♡ 1558 - 1603 ♡
Who wanted to replace Elizabeth with Mary queen of Scots ? ♡ The Catholics ♡
Why did Elizabeth refuse to get married ? ♡ She didn't want England to have a foreign king ♡
Who succeeded Elizabeth in 1603 ? ♡ James VI of Scotland ♡
When did Mary queen of Scots come to England ? ♡ 1568 ♡


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