Triads ♡


6 Music ♡ FlashCards sobre Triads ♡, criado por lauren ♥ em 24-05-2016.
lauren ♥
FlashCards por lauren ♥, atualizado more than 1 year ago
lauren ♥
Criado por lauren ♥ mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
How many notes are in a triad chord ? ♡ 3 ♡
Which note is the bottom note of a triad chord ? ♡ The one who's letter is in the chord name ♡
How far apart do the two notes after the first note have to be ♡ Two letters apart - for example - the c major triad must be C, E, G ♡
What is the order for a major triad ? ♡ 4 then 3 ♡
What is the order for a minor triad ? ♡ 3 then 4 ♡
What is an interval ? ♡ The distance between two notes ♡
What is a semi-tone ? ♡ The smallest interval you can have ♡


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