Metals ♡


1 Science ♡ FlashCards sobre Metals ♡, criado por lauren ♥ em 24-05-2016.
lauren ♥
FlashCards por lauren ♥, atualizado more than 1 year ago
lauren ♥
Criado por lauren ♥ aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Name two properties of all metals ♡ All metals conduct electricity and heat ♡
Name two methods that could be used to prevent iron from rusting ♡ Keep it in oil, paint the iron ♡
Which metal is used in jewelry ? ♡ Gold because it stays shiny ♡
What metal burns with a bright white flame ? ♡ Magnesium ♡
What metal goes rusty ? ♡ Iron ♡
What metal is used in coins and slowly goes black in air ? ♡ Copper ♡
What metal reacts very quickly with the air before you put it in a flame ? ♡ Sodium ♡
What is a metal that is used for roofing because it does not react with air and water ? ♡ Lead ♡
What group of metals is the alkali metals ? ♡ Group 1 ♡
What group of metals is the alkaline metals ? ♡ Group 2 ♡
As you go down the groups do metals get more or less reactive ? ♡ More ♡


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