Public Relations Cases


Test 1
FlashCards por masykes_10, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por masykes_10 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is the 1st amendment of U.S. Constitution? Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The U.S. Constitution Protects the right to freedom of ______ and freedom of _______ from government __________. religion expression interference
__________interprets the extent of the protection afforded to these rights The Supreme Court (aka Judicial Branch of Government)
What is the most basic component of freedom of expression? the right of freedom of speech
There are 4 components of freedom of speech: 1. allows expression without interference or constraint by the government. 2. Substantial justification needed for the interference with the right of free speech where content is regulated 3. government may prohibit some speech that may cause a breach of the peace or cause violence. 4. includes other mediums of expression that communicate. The level of protection speech receives depends on the forum where it takes place.
Despite popular misunderstanding the right to freedom of the press guaranteed by the first amendment is not very different from the right to freedom of speech. 1.It allows an individual to express themselves through publication and dissemination. 2. It is part of the constitutional protection of freedom of expression. 3. It does not afford members of the media any special rights or privileges not afforded to citizens in general
What are the 4 stages of the PR process? R.O.P.E. --research --objectives --programming --evaluation
What are three things you need to research? 1) Client/organization: background data about your client or organization - personnel information, financial status, current/past reputation, past/present PR practices, SWOT, etc. 2. Opportunity/Problem: pro- or reactive campaign; short term vs. long term 3. audiences/publics: key groups for targeted communicators
When researching your audience, what are some important things to find out? level of information about your client/organization; image and other relevant attitudes toward products/services; audience behaviors that may be relevant; demographics; media habits; and media-use levels.
Give examples of nonquantitative and quantitative research. nonquantitative (interviews, mots/snippets, research groups) and quantitative (surveys, polls, etc.)
What are three types of IMPACT objectives? 1) informational objectives--message exposure, comprehension, retention 2) attitudinal objectives--making new attitudes, reinforcing old, changing 3) behavioral objectives-- create new behavior, reinforce, change
What are the two types of objectives in the "O" phase? 1. Impact objectives 2. Output objectives
What are output objectives? distribution or execution of uncontrolled and controlled media
Programming includes the planning and execution of: -theme (if applicable) and message -action or event -media (uncontrolled and controlled)
Give examples of controlled and uncontrolled media. Uncontrolled media – news releases, feature stories, photos; Controlled media – print, audiovisual, interpersonal communications, PR, advertising, etc.
What are some principles of effective communication? source credibility, effective nonverbal comm, two-way comm, audience participation
What is evaluation? Ongoing monitoring and final assessment of impact and output objectives.
How are the objectives evaluated? informational? publicity placement, surveys attitudinal? surveys behavioral? surveys and observation behavior
What is media relations? obtaining appropriate publicity or news coverage for a client and establishing a working relationship between PR ppl and journalists
Key targets: "gatekeepers" or consumers of mass/specialized media
What are 3 types of media, and where do we find each? 1. mass media: newspapers, magazines, tv, radio 2. specialized media: trade/industry publications, membership or ethnic publications 3. Social media
Research for Media relations includes: Opportunity vs. Problem research—is this proactive or reactive -Client and audience research · *again, researching and maintaining media contacts are key
What are examples of controlled and uncontrolled programming elements in media relations? uncontrolled examples: news/press releases, interviews, press conferences, photo opps ii. controlled examples: media kits
Internal Communications aka employee relations is..... All communications between the management of an organization and its personnel.
Research for employee relations focuses on: focuses on client research, studying the reason for communication and identifying the employee audience to be targeted for communication
What are the impact and output objectives for employee relations? Impact: informing employees or modifying their attitudes or behaviors (see examples) ii. Output: employee recognition and regular employee communication (see examples)
What are effective communication elements for employee relations? – two-way communication and audience participation are key
What is member relations? Communication between the officers (management) of an organization that requires membership, and it's members.
The focus for members relations is: Focus for member relations research is on demographics, information levels, attitudes and behaviors.
What are the objectives for member relations? Objectives i. Impact: desired outcomes of favorable member attitudes and behaviors toward the organization (see examples) ii. Output: distribution or execution of controlled forms of communication (PR practices including effective planning and distribution or communications)
What is community relations? Assessing the organization's reputation and it's existing and potential problems within the community. · Target audiences include analysis of community media, leaders and organizations.
What are the programming methods for community relations? Focused on organizational involvement through events, employee participation in community activities, contributions to community causes, etc.
community relations---controlled and uncontrolled media_______ Uncontrolled media is aimed at servicing local journalists with appropriate news releases, photographs and interviews · Controlled media includes an active/informative website, in-house publications, speakers bureaus and appropriate digital outreach (through email and social media)
What is effective communication tactics in community relations? Targeting the correct audience ii. Group influence needs to be considered within all efforts and outreach. Group cohesiveness and activity play a substantial role in the overall effectiveness of communication. iii. Audience participation is key to success
Impact objectives are measured by _____ or other quantitative methods while output is evaluated by _________ surveys observation


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